chapter one

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Deep in the decrepit city, overrun by aliens, are heros are braving the goopy horror that was once a beautiful bustling city to find supplies. Luckily, the streets are empty at this time. The group was comprised of four people: Chis, loud and dumb but trusworthy, weilding his trusty baseball bat, Mason, quiet and watchful, the sniper of the lot with his old rusty rifle, Chelsy, nimble and deadly with her two combat knifes, and finally Jack, leader of the group, himself as reliable and strudy as they come.They had known each other before the aliens had come but they hadn’t become freinds untill grouping together to search for supplies. This was about their 20th time out and they were now a fluid and cohesive unit, working in unison, jack leading. Jack was anxious today, he felt something in the air, he had said so to his wife, Marilyln, before leaving this morning. “Something is going to go wrong today” Jack had said “I feel it coming.” “You're just being paranoid, babe” she comforted him, “you’ll lead just as good as you always do, I believe in you”. Mildly comforted, he left. But now he was feeling it again, something was wrong and Marilyn wasn’t here to ease his nerves. (I'm not adding more for the other characters right now, they are not important.) The streets were empty, for now, and the group was heading toward the local supermarket to look for toilet paper, which as we all know is always in high demand. Just when they were settling, a massive alien like none they had seen before came around the bend, roaring and swinging his many erect  tentacles around, bashing them off walls as he went. It was very intimidating. The group panicly jumped into the nearest sewer to avoid being smacked by and possibly penetrated by the erect tentacles of Dave the alien (ya he's Dave now). Down in the sewers, the gang wandered, searching for a way back to the surface that wasn’t guarded by dave. And his tentacles. As they walked, they noticed that Jack was walking faster, like he was being led. At the end of the tunnel, they came upon an odd mass of green goop full of holes. “Jack, what are you doing?” The others asked as Jack approached the goop pile. All he replied with was ”The eggs must be fertilized” which he said on repeat, his eyes glazed. He walked toward the goop pile, slowly unzipping his pants and pulling out his fully erect cock. The others looked away in disgust as Jack plunged his throbbing cock deep in the goopy egg hole, as he often did to holes he came across, just ask his wife. Or Chelsy for that matter... Suddenly, the goop pile rose from it’s crouched position, as it wasn’t a mere goop pile, but an alien woman who evidently looked like a normal human but green, goopy, and with tentacles. A hot alien woman at that. That big goop pile was actually her thicc bent over ass which should have been quite evident from the loud thicc slaps coming from Jack's furious pounding. Through this he kept on chanting about “ Fertilizin’ the eggs” still in a daze. The alien lady yelled and sent tentacles out of her various holes. The tentacles went for the group, meaning to drag them into an endless orgy. When all seemed lost, Jack snapped out of his trance. He grabbed the tentacles with his hands and yelled to the group one final command, “GO, SAVE YOURSELVES, I'LL DISTRACT HER.” Jack increased his thrusting and stuck the tentacles in his various free holes. He slammed the thicc alien ass as fast and as hard as he could. Cum and other juices flew from the penetration point in all directions. His idea had worked, he had fucked the alien girl so hard she had been put in a state of ecstasy, giving the others enough time to escape. Drool dribbled down from the alien girl's mouth much like the cum and vaginal juices dripped from her destroyed egg hole. Balls deep in the alien, Jack smiled, knowing he had at least saved his team one last time.The others ran home to deliver the bad news to Jack’s wife. Heads hung low, they all worked together to tell her what had happened, especially the fact that they wouldn’t have escaped if Jack hadn’t done what he had done. She sobbed in agony resonating from deep within. After awhile though, she dried her tears, coming to terms with the fact that she must move on, and at least her lost beloved was a hero. Back in the sewer, Jack was, who guessed it, still balls deep in the alien’s egg hole. She had snapped out of her state of ecstasy, and began to speak to Jack. “Well, big strong hero of mine, shall we go again?” “Welp, fuck it, lets go.” Jack said. “I’m not a it but that is the idea” she said chuckling. And so they continued on fucking ravoniusly untill all of her holes were filled and they were lying in a puddle of mixed juice. And still Jack kept thrusting without tire. They switched through every position imaginable, continuing to fill every hole available with white hot cum, and of course they also made use of her tentacles in various ways. After a while, she pulled Jack in with her arms and her tentacles and they held each other for a time. Jack had found a new love and so did the alien girl. And so they alternated between fucking and cuddleing ,when ever one or the other ran out of stamina, for the rest of their lives. And his wife found her own happy ending as well. She and the rest of the gang lived together by day working to survive. And at night they all settled down for sloppy hardcore fucking. Everyone gets a happy ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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