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 © 2021 Agbaje Michael Adeyinka/ TheBlackbird/ Ravenaelwood

All rights reserved. Agbaje Michael Adeyinka is the exclusive owner of this book 'Fallen Lotus: The legends of Xiao Xue'. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. For permissions contact, send a mail at: or

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"Aeons gone rogue. The gloom and cold stratus,

A world of Chaos, gales of mortality overrule.

Zephyr, then tumble, A pure lone drifting lotus,

Falls and soaks maroon, in a roadside pool."

"...Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew; Nor did I wonder at the lily's white," Chris recited, muttering the meandering sonnet under his breath as he flipped a filleted fish in a pan. Hot oils sizzled within. "Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose; They were but sweet, but figures of delight. Drawn after you, you pattern of all those. Yet seem'd it winters still, and, you away, as with your shadow I with these did..."

He trailed off.

Did it end with lay or play? Chris asked himself. Eh, he shrugged, I'd figure it out later.

He flipped the fillets a second time, watching it for a moment before removing it to the serving platter. He turned off the heat with one hand, and with the second he whisked a tablespoon of butter into the hot skillet. A dash of lemon juice, capers, liquid and all, he whisked before serving the meal with a thin sauce.

"Bon Appetit," he mumbled to himself as he walked out of the kitchen with his meal. His muffled footsteps echoed off the wooden floorboards.

With a slothful grace, he flopped unto the couch, meal in hand as he reached for the TV remote beside him.

He tapped on the power button expecting the TV to turn on, but surprisingly it didn't. Tapping twice again and getting no response, he sighed, tossing the remote aside.

"Guess the TV is broken as well now," he muttered spitefully, glancing at the dude sprawled uselessly on an adjacent couch. The individual's nose twitched at the smell of Chris' food as they stirred on the furniture but failed to awaken.

Chris shook his head and sighed, annoyed, but too lazy to get angry. He lifted his hips, reaching into the back pocket of his trousers to pull out his cell phone.

Forking a fillet into his mouth, his other hand fiddled idly with the device.

Ignoring the snoring in the background, the room gained a somewhat relaxing atmosphere as he enjoyed his meal.

A while later, the door clicked open and a girl around his age walked in. She was of average height, slightly overweight with her brown hair tied up in a messy bun. Her bluish eyes squinted in a scowl.

His housemate's gaze scanned the living area as she walked in. Her edgy gaze skimmed over Chris and hovered on his half-finished meal for a moment, before settling on her boyfriend snoring on the couch.

Chris noted her scowl deepened somewhat at the sight.

"The TV is broken," Chris announced offhandedly, forking another fillet into his mouth.

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