50 more things to do when you're bored

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1. Hug 20 random strangers.....you're stuffed if they have a knife or any other tool they could kill you with
2. When someone you hate is talking to you but you only have ear plugs (no device to plug them into) just pretend that you're listening to music full blast...you're screwed if they find out it's not plugged into anything...well you could run......yeah just run
3. Murder someone you hate and see how it feels...NO! I'm just joking ok just sneak into their house when they're are sleeping and draw a moustache in permo on their face
4. Trip someone and laugh like a little school girl and run away
5. In public just randomly head bang until you get a head ache, then collapse and if someone asks you if you're ok just say "yeah just hard core head bangs." Get up then just casually walk away like nothing's happened
6. Get tinfoil and make it into a ball then get a friend or family member and see how many hits I
You can get before it touches the ground.....or you could just play it with a balloon
7. Sing along to songs badly in your backyard really loudly so the neighbours could hear
8. Bark back to dogs
9. If you have a keyboard or piano play a recorded track that plays by it's self and pretend you're playing it. When someone comes up to you and tells you your good at it then shack there hand and say thank you and continue 'playing' and see what their expression is
10. Talk back to your parents....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...if you actually do that let me know down in the comments what their expression was when you talk back to them
11. Get the classic whoopee cushion and hide it somewhere where someone would sit
12. Scare someone
13. Play duck duck goose with yourself somehow
14. Play jenga with your pencils
15. Make pancakes
16. Eat the pancakes
17. Make more pancakes
18. Wrap yourself in bubble wrap and roll around the house
19. In public pretend you're a super hero and when there's something stuck in a tree take you cape off and say "This is too hard! I quit." And stomp all the way back home
I lost count where were we? Ohhhhh yeah 20. Make yourself an ice cream Sunday on a Monday! Such a rebel
21. Turn all the lights off in the room you're in and surround the room with candles. Sit in the middle of the room, with a cupcake in front of you with a candle on it and have stuffed toys surrounding you and when someone walks in the room sing happy birthday to yourself creepily even if it's not your birthday.
22. Learn a new language
23. When someone drops something say, "You dropped something." And stand/sit there just looking at the person in horror that they dropped something
24. When you run into something for example a corner of the table yell at it, " WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE IN MY WAY!!!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!" then walk away angrily still swearing at the table
25. Yell at your friend in text then blame it on your pet
26. Ask someone out you like and if they say no say you asked them to hang out and auto correct changed the message OR if it's April fools if they still say no afterwards say "APRIL FOOLS Hahahahaha jokes on you!" Even though you're disappointed
27. Prank call people
28. In public poke random objects then poke a can and if it falls over say, "whoops." Then pick it up again and keep doing it over and over
29. When you watch a 3D movie yell, "OH MY GOD!!! Some one help them they're falling out of the screen!"
30. When someone trips over run over to them and say, "Man down! I repeat, man down!"
31. In school write a sign to the teacher saying "me+work= disaster" and see what he/she does
32. When you see a guy cry tell him to group a pair and get over it
33. Walk into a place and say, "What's apps, I hate blacks" then if people don't stop staring at you then walk backward out of the room embarrassed
34. Sing the batman theme song
35. Read the rest off this chapter in a low dumb voice
36. When your parents wake up stare at them freakishly in a corner of their room
37. Read this out loud really fast in public: I am 26e4u
38. Dance to a song you hate in public while saying "God I hate this song, please somebody turn this shit off."
39. Sing I kissed a girl and I liked it by Katy Perry in a deep voice
40. Have an overdose of sugar when you have friends over and be running all around the place hypo
41. Sing a duet, but it comes to the boy parts stand on the left facing straight and when it's the girls parts be on the right facing straight
42. Post a status that a hacker would say then afterwards say sorry someone hacked you account when secretly it was you the whole time
43. Play a shooting game and whenever something bad comes at you yell, "I JUST WANT FRIENDS, JEESE!"
44. For the rest of the day when sending text to people don't use words but use only emojis
45. Call all your friends idiots and see how they respond
46. Go to the local basket ball court and instead of playing with a basketball play with a stuffed toy
47. Write a song about butts
48. Call a friend or sibling a dumb idiot in another language
49. Write a love letter in text to someone but after they reply saying thank you say "Sorry wrong person."
50. Keep reading this chapter

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