Author's Note

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I posted this on my other story, this is the reason I haven't updated.

Okay, so this is the first time I've updated in literally 9 months. So, I have to explain myself. But first, I wanted to say how incredibly sorry I am that I haven't updated and that I left all of you hanging, waiting for me to update.

Part of the reason is me being extremely busy. I had dance almost every day for hours, I had a ton of schoolwork, and I was always busy or doing something.

A major reason, though, is me being bullied. I'm not going to go into great depth of it, but I can tell you that I had no motivation to do anything, even go to dance. And if you know me, dance is basically my entire life. I have always loved school, and I hated going there too. I lost almost all of my friends last year, and that made me so....not depressed, but more lonely.

I would seriously cry almost every day because of how sad I was and I had no idea what to do. It got even worse when it turned into cyberbullying. Now let me tell you, cyberbullying is not funny. Someone posted a "So many likes and I'll do I dear person I love, person I hate, blah blah blah" thing. Well, they osted an etremely long message of how they hated me. 

I had never done anything to anyone. I had no idea why they were picking on me, and I became so sad all the time. I became so exhausted from trying to fight the feelings back that I would come home from school and sleep for three or four hours.

I lost motivation to do anything. I would try and open up Wattpad, and as soon as I opened up a new chapter to write, I couldn't. I hope you guys know how sorry I am and I really did try, I promise I did.

Now, I have new friends, I learned to ignore the bullies and focus on just the people that love me for who I am.

So, there's my reason(the short version) for not uploading in so long. I want you to know that bullying is not a joke. If you ever see a bully, please stick up for the victim. I want someone to know what exactly they are causing by simply calling someone a name. Please, please, stick up for the victim and help them.

If you ever need someone to talk to, get advice, or even just someone to listen to, please just private  message me. I promise I won't judge you, and I will always be there for you. <3 Xoxo

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