Chapter 2 The dinner with the captain

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Eric was examining his map when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Eric answered. Rosemary came in wearing a stunning aqua blue dress, it had light blue straps that hung loosely on her shoulders, and the embroidery on the dress was very detailed it then came down into layers of ruffled silk which glided along the floor. She wore her long golden hair loose and dangling blue earrings hung from her ears. You could tell she had make up on. Her blue eyes glistened like her dress and she was smiling.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Rose" said Eric longingly.

"Why thank you captain Davis" replied Rosemary giggling, at this she sat down in a chair opposite Eric. On the table before them laden with food of all different types; crayfish, salted beef, pork, fish, fresh fruit, baked bread, a bottle of port and much more. They both tucked into the feast, Eric couldn't help glancing at Rosemary. She had grown over the past few years, her hair was darker than he remembered and there were faint worry lines that now shaped her forehead. He'd missed her so much, not a day went by that she wasn't fresh in his mind, or at night in his dreams. Looking at her now she seemed changed as if she now carried a heavy burden. Now more than ever he wanted to see her smile, to see the old Rosemary he knew and loved. "Rosemary did I ever show you my private collection?" he asked.

"No Eric, not that I remember of" replied Rosemary.

"Well in that case, right this way mademoiselle" said Eric taking her by the hand. He led her over to some strong wooden doors with a large padlock on the door, and it was patterned with wooden carvings. Eric took out a clump of keys out of his pocket. That was hung on a circler ring. He fumbled through a few, and then when he found the right one he inserted it into the key hole.

"Here we are, well Rosemary what do you think?" Eric asked

Rosemary stopped dead in her tracks the room was stuffed with all sorts of treasure, like rubies, emeralds, diamonds, gold coins, jewellery, expensive gowns, golden trinkets and a whole lot more. The room was completely taken up by treasure, the only other thing in the room was a large window that showed the ocean they had left behind them. In the middle of the room on top of a mound of gold coins was a gigantic treasure chest. Eric watched Rosemary explore the room, she had the same gleam in her eye the day he met her, that day they'd been full with curiosity. As he stared out the window he saw that day replay itself before his eyes. That day when they'd brought her aboard she'd been half dead with starvation and cold. She'd woken on deck her eyes a blaze, Eric would never forget those beautiful eyes sometimes like an angry sea after the storm or deep black depths. of the sea.

Eric was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't hear Rosemary approach him.

"Eric" she exclaimed. Eric turned around, as he stared into her beautiful face he recalled what he'd said to her time and time again that she deserved better and time and time again she'd refused and said "I love you Eric and I'll love no one else but you."

"Rosemary I I I....... what I'm trying to say is would you.... um" Eric stuttered.

"Yes Eric" replied Rosemary.

"Would you like a tour around the ship" he said finally.

"Yes I would love to" Rosemary replied giving him a smile.

"Well, this way my sweet" Eric replied

Eric offered her his hand and the two ran outside laughing and giggling like young children playing a game.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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