~The not so perfect me~

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As long as I live, I don't think I will ever be in any relationship. I'm 20 and haven't had the typical high school love relationship and even if I do like someone.
"Hey Jordy are you going to eat that? You are just staring at it."
I woke up from my day dreaming. Looking at me was my hungrily little sister. She is 16 years old but you can tell that she has a charm of a young adult. But on the other, when it comes to food she acts like a kid again. We are at a shopping mall doing a little clothes shopping because I'm attending University tomorrow. As I have no fashion sense my little sister Evie is helping me choose my outfits. But at the moment we are just having something to eat in the food court.
"Yeah go ahead I lost my appetite."
Before my eyes she is already digging into my ice-cream Sunday.
I chuckled at her cute but messy actions.
But I guess a few people also laughed at her cuteness because a few teenager boys came to us.
As I saw them coming over I tried to ignore them by turning my head fully away from them. It's a fact that they are coming to talk to Evie, it's always like that. As much I love my sister she does get all the attention and I'm a bit envious of it.

"Hey cutie how you going?"
There were three boys all together and they were pretty good looking. I looked at Evie but as usual she is to focus on her food.
I accidentally made eye contact with one the boys.
"Hey lady what her name?" The boy asked me.

"A-a-ghhhhh I-I'm sorry but-"
"Dude why are you blushing?"
I quickly covered my face. I get very nervous around guys especially good looking boys that sometimes I can't hold my emotions. I don't talk to guys and when I do I'm always shy and blush uncontrollably, it has been happening for years and I would always get tease for it. I don't know how it started but it's the first reasons why I don't have any friends or even a boyfriend.
"Guys look she can't even look me in they eyes."
"Maybe she has fallen in love with you?"
"Hahahaha maybe she thinks it's love at first sight."

As the boys continue mocking me. I heard a clang in front of me and it was Evie. She glared them and the three got shocked from her sudden action.
"Hey kids don't go teasing a girls feeling. I believe in... annoyances at first sight."
They boys looked confused. Seconds ago she was a cute girl enjoying her ice-cream and now she is a angry kitty. It's actually scary.

"To be honest you remind me of  a penny. Worthless, two-faced and inside everyone pants. Plus your zip is down."
The boys looked angry and embarrassed, but luckily she stood her ground.
"Let's go guys don't want to get involved with a couple of bithes."

As they left, Evie took a big sigh and then looked angrily towards me.
"AGHHHHHHH I honestly get so angry at those sort of guys. You really need to stick up for yourself and not get swayed by good looking guys."
I nodded my head and accepted my defeat. I'm 20 year old and still can't get hold of myself. But for some reason I can't help but blush when I'm near guys.

"But little sis~ you were so cool sticking up for me!"
Her angry face turned into a light smile.
"Yeah I gotta admit I was pretty cool."

As the sun started to disappear me and Evie started headed home.
It's funny how close we are but yet so different. Including our appearance, I have dark brown hair and blue eyes as I take after our mother. As for my sister she is blond with blue eyes that takes after our father.
I don't need to explain personality.

"So how are you feeling about university?"
I looked at my sister as I can't stop admiring her beauty.
"Yeah I feel nervous but hoping that it's better then high school." I laughed nervously.
"You will be fine! I know you are strong, you just need to find it in yourself. Hopefully you will find friends that will help you find that light or even a boyfriend."
She started wiggling her eyes.
I laughed at her and started getting motivated now for my bright future.
I'm going to study professionally writing and publishing so I can become a author.
Reality can be painful sometimes but when I read, I feel revealed that I can join the characters journey and watch them grow into better stronger people. Idolising them but know I can never be like them. But being able to write my own books is my dream.

"Hahaha I not worried about a boyfriend yet, I just want friends to hang out with. But what about you? Do you like anyone at high school."
I saw her face blushing. So she does like someone. I was quite shocked because she is very picky when it comes to boys, she would always say they are immature and not her type. So I'm generally surprised. I wonder who it is? I hope I can meet him soon because I'm curious on what he is like.

We made it home and got welcome by our mother warm hugs.
"Girls what took you so long~ it's already night time and it's getting cold lately. Hurry inside dinner is ready."
Our mother is so cute, innocent and caring towards anyone. My mother would call me a soft soul but really she is the one who is the soft one.
"Sorry mother." I said nicely. But she just pinch my cheeks.

"That's okay I was just worried that all. Oh by the way father is on a business trip so we won't be able to see him again for a couple of weeks."
To be honest Im quite use to this news because, father does this all the time that I don't get sad anymore. But Evie gets very upset because she is daddy favourite child, maybe because they look alike. But even so their personality matches perfectly.

Once we finished dinner I head to my room with excitement spooning out of me. Tomorrow is a new start to my life, hopefully I can make new friends and be able to get over this fear of boys.
As I hurried to bed, I wished the night would end already.

8;00am MORNING>

As I heard birds chirping I also heard light footsteps coming to my room.
"Get up Jordy! You slept in!"
I widened my eyes and sprang out of bed in a flash. I looked at my alarm clock and hit my head from the mistake I created. I forgot to turn on my alarm. I looked at Evie who is already ready.
Awww she is so cute in her high school uniform.
"Sis stop day dreaming you have to go now!"

I understood the assignment and started getting ready as fast as I can. Yep today is a new day, hopefully the day will be better then the morning.

Name: Jordy SuzukiAge: 20 years oldHobbies: Writing and Reading Dislike: Talking to Boys Eats: Pork Cutlets

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Name: Jordy Suzuki
Age: 20 years old
Hobbies: Writing and Reading
Dislike: Talking to Boys
Eats: Pork Cutlets

Name: Jordy SuzukiAge: 20 years oldHobbies: Writing and Reading Dislike: Talking to Boys Eats: Pork Cutlets

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Name: Evie Suzuki
Age: 16 Years Old
Hobbies: Styling
Dislike: Homework and bad designs
Eats: Anything sweet

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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