Chapter 2: The Problem Progresses

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A.N. This is the next chapter! Enjoy!

Possible TW for anyone who is sensitive to emotional/physical abuse


             Henry kept up the act that everything was fine. He had never been a good liar, but no one ever seemed to question him, so he figured he had gotten better at it. That, or his friends were just idiots.

            Piper still hadn't found out. At least, not yet. And Henry was going to keep it that way. At least, he was gonna try.

            And as for Henry's parents, the arguing only got worse. It started with only little things. Like, who didn't put the milk back in the fridge? Who didn't put the laundry away? Things like that. But then it escalated.

            Now it's who cares about the kids and who doesn't? It's too bad that they don't see what they're doing to their kids in the process. Their daughter is skeptical of what's going on, but has no idea what's really happening. It's only a matter of time before she finds out.

            And their son... Well... Their son hasn't been able to sleep in days. He's always being dragged into their arguments and then he has to go to school and work. Too bad he can't tell his parents what he actually does for work.

            Here he was again, trying to get his parents to stop arguing before they wake up his sister, but they just wouldn't listen.

             Henry once again heard his sister's door open, so he went upstairs. He once again locked them in her bedroom and she asked the very familiar question.

             "What's going on?"

             "Uhhhh, nothing! Don't worry about it!" Henry said.

            "Really? Because every night, I wake up to screaming, and as soon as I open the door, you're right there, and then shove me back into my room and lock the door. Then when I ask what's happening, you just say it's nothing and not to worry about it. So I ask you again. What's going on?" Piper insisted.

            Henry knew his sister would find out eventually. So he decided he had to tell her. "Well... mom and dad have been having some... problems... but don't worry! Everything's okay!"Henry assured his little sister.

            "Henry, you look like you haven't slept in days. How is that okay?" Piper asked, concern for her older brother showing on her face.

            "Piper, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Henry said. "Just go back to sleep."

            "No." Piper said bluntly.

            "What?" Henry asked, making sure he heard her properly.

            "I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone any longer. Every night, it's the same thing. This has been going on for weeks, Henry. You aren't dealing with this alone any longer." Piper said.

            "Piper..." Henry started, only for Piper to cut him off.

            "No! I don't want to hear you say that you're fine, because you aren't! I'm going with you this time!" Piper insisted.

            Henry sighed, giving in. "Fine. But stay behind me and don't say anything."

            "Fine." Piper said. She didn't like those conditions, but it's better than her brother going alone.

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