chapter 7

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Why now? I sit up to see Amelia and her boyfriend, Leon Moss. Amelia looks like she woke up and accidently put on her stripper clothes instead of normal clothes. Her skirt is so short a small gust of wind would show too much, her crop top is more of a bra than a top and her heels are so tall I wonder how she is even staying up. Is that what normal parents let their daughters wear? I wouldn't know, my parents aren't normal.

"What do you want, Amelia?" a sudden confidence fills my voice and I stand up, even though my short height means she towers over me in her skyscraper heels. I try to make the most intimidating face I can but fail miserably; I must look like a child when they pull a strop. Even though my attempt of being intimidating fails, she takes a couple steps back, probably scared of my rare burst of confidence.

"Nothing much, just revenge. Nicola is still in hospital because of you, I think its time for a little payback don't ya think, ghosty girl?" she laughs but is cut short when Luke protectively stands in front of me.

"Luke I can handle this" I say through gritted teeth.

"Aww need your boyfriend to protect you do you?" she giggles. What a bitch.

"He is not my boyfriend and I don't need him to protect me!" I look up at him and for a second I think I see a glimpse of hurt in his eyes, but it is gone in a second, his determined gaze returning.

"I would leave right now, Amelia" Luke surprises me when he finally speaks.

"Excuse me? Ha! I will not take orders for you. Are you homeless or something?" she laughs and crosses her arms while Leon puts his arm round her. How can someone love someone like Amelia? I will never know.

"I wouldn't provoke him, Amelia; you have no idea about anything that has happened!"

"Scarlett I thi-"

"NO, LUKE! She doesn't know anything and I've had enough! Amelia, why can't you just leave us alone? I'm sure you have better things to do in your life so why not go do them instead of torturing people who aren't sluts like you!" wow. I never thought I had that much I needed to get off my chest. Complete silence fills the air. Amelia just stares, as does Leon. Her mouth wide open, I guess she's not used to comments like that. Most people are too scared to say things like that to her, but I'm not. She quickly composes herself and before I can react, a rough hand connects with my cheek with so much force I nearly flip over and fall on the ground. I would have if Luke hadn't caught me and laid me on the ground. I open my eyes in time to see him teleport to Leon and grab him by the neck, lifting him up off the ground by a centimetre. He may be mad but even a ghost can't have enough strength to pick Leon up, who is probably the most muscular and tallest person in our whole year. However the adrenaline pumping through his non-existent veins is enough for him. "Luke!" he ignores me, anger and determination clear on his face. The face of someone about to kill. "Luke, please!" tears start falling down my cheeks but I wipe them away, refusing to cry in front of them. He realises how red Leon's face has become and instantly drops him to the floor. He steps back to me as Amelia rushes to Leon's side, pulling him into her arms. She starts stroking his hair and kissing his head as her tears start to fall, messing up her make-up that probably took a whole hour to do. What a wimp. She's not even the one who was just strangled.

"What the- what the hell are you!?" he shouts through gasps for breath. Shit, Luke just teleported in front of Leon and he touched him. Leon would have felt how cold he is.

"Luke lets go!" I start running as the tears start falling. However, just to be annoying, Amelia grabs my ankle and I fall flat on my face. But I don't care. I will never care. Even when my nose starts bleeding and my mouth tastes blood, even when my face gets covered with dirt, even when every bone in my body is broken, even when I have lost everything, I will never care. I will always fight, until the last breath leaves my body... 

I keep running, ignoring the burning in my legs. I ignore the shouts from Amelia behind me; I ignore the complaints from people as I push past them. I ignore everything and I just keep running. Somehow I make it to my house. I am about to climb up the porch but then I notice, the window is closed. We didn't close it when we left so my mum must have been into my room. I begin banging on the door. I don't care what mum thinks. She can beat me all she wants, I don't care anymore. She opens the door and stares at my tear coated face.

"Scarlett, what the hell are you doing?" she screams as I bolt up the stairs. She runs after me and pulls my leg, making me fall down the stairs. My head hits the wall and I scream out in pain. "Shut up you bitch!" she shouts. I climb up the stairs, my tears mixing with my blood. "Scarlett, where the hell have you been? Answer me!" she tries to grab my foot again but I kick her in the face. That felt good. I run up the stairs as fast as my burning leg will take me. I slam the door behind me and throw myself on the bed. My eyes and throat burn from crying and my head hurts like hell. Why me? I carry on crying, letting everything out. I reach up and touch the wound on my head, trying to stifle a scream when the pain shoots through my head. I bite my fist as I rock back and forth on my bed. I will not scream, I will NOT scream, I chant to myself in my head. Suddenly, I feel arms wrapping around me pulling me into his chest. I jump a little at the contact but instantly relax. I feel myself calming down. But I can't keep doing this, I can't keep fighting people, I can't keep coming home crying my eyes out, I can't keep getting beaten by my own mum. I just can't.

"Luke?" My voice is hoarse and I hardly recognise it as my own.

"Yeah?" he speaks quietly, he understands me and I can't thank him enough for everything he's done, but...

"I can't do this anymore, Luke..." my eyes tear up, I'm going to do this. I'm going to stop everything...

(That's right, next chapter will probably be the last in this book, I know, you probably don't want Scarlett and Luke's story to end but that's just the way things work. Hopefully you will like the next book as much as this one. Also just to say, I haven't written it yet but I have it roughly planned as horror and ghosts etc. whatever)

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