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The Valkyrie soared through the planets atmosphere. The planets surface teemed with life, rolling hills and mountains filled with unknown flora. Large forests dominated planets surface with the occasional clearing. A mist covered the ground like thin vale making it hard to make out what lies on the planets surface. Large metallic spires jutted out of the ground with unknown purpose.The Valkyrie scans showed they were heavily armoured and stored vast amounts of energy within. But their purpose was unknown.

The Death Korps of Krieg stood in silence as the Valkyrie twists and turns combating the strong winds of the planet. The Valkyrie flew close to the ground to avoid being picked up by any long ranged radar as it scanned the horizon for any Xeno activity. The Valkyrie began to slow down into a hover as a large heat signature appeared on the scanners, "Major we may have enemy activity, we'll be touching down momentarily". The Valkyrie begins to land in a small clearing in one of the planets numerous forests.

Saxon stood motionless in front of his men as he relayed his orders "Alpha platoon our orders  are to provide reconnaissance for an enemy of an unknown force, an enemy we know nothing about, so guns up and keep formation. we don't know this terrain but it shall not defeat the men of Krieg! The Emperor protects!" The Commissar stared at the Major in admiring how he commanded his men, how they hung off his every word. She smiled "couldn't have said it better myself Major Saxon" Saxon unsure what to say after receiving the praise nodded. The Valkyrie hit the ground, causing the everyone jolt forward slightly. The Commissar put on her respirator as she turned towards the ramp "ready yourselves men of Krieg" she commands, the Kriegsmen unslung their Lucius lasguns in unison as they readied themselves for whatever lies behind the Valkyries ramp. Saxon held his breath as the ramp began to open, the mist began seeping its way into the Valkyrie, Saxon unholstered his pistol in anticipation. He turns his head to the side "Sarge, secure the LZ" without hesitation Sarge raised and dropped his hand gesturing the Kriegsmen to move out. They hastily disembarked the Valkyrie taking up positions around the attack craft, scanning the tree line for enemy movement. The mist made it hard to see anything then a few metres ahead of them.

The soldiers encircled the attack craft creating a tight perimeter around it. They scanned the tree line looking for any sign of movement. The forest was dense, filled with a variety of plants and fern's of all different shapes and sizes littered the forest floor alongside tall grass that came up to the soldiers waists. Shadows danced amongst the mist causing soldiers to shift their aim constantly. It was quite, too quiet the silence was deafening the only thing that could be heard was the creaking of the trees. It was a perfect place for an ambush... Saxon waited his whole body was tense, his index finger hovered over his trigger. He scanned the tree line, waiting for an attack but it never came. He and his command squad accompanied by the Commissar were the last to disembark they stood in the centre of the perimeter. Static,the Command squads Vox operator,  hands the receiver to Saxon it was the Valkyries pilot "This is Eagle-1 To Major Saxon, The large heat signature is five clicks north from here located in a small valley, good luck out there. Eagle-1 will remain on standby here Eagle-1 out." "Copy that Eagle-1 Alpha platoon moving out".

The platoon marched through the undergrowth in a jagged formation to cover more ground. Saxon and his command squad lead the way with Heavy and Havoc at the front. Havoc marched slightly in front of everyone else using his scope to scout the upcoming terrain. Heavy followed him closely to provide backup if danger was to arise. Havoc froze, stopping abruptly he quickly raised his hand creating a fist in the air. They all stopped and crouched. Saxon slowly made his way over to havocs position "what is it Havoc?". Havoc pointed "I see movement." The platoon had reached the edge of the forest. The mist had cleared revealing a large structure in front of them. The structure resembled a large drill with purple containers surrounding it, unknown creatures surrounded the structures. Four platforms surrounded the drill some kind of gravitational lift held them up. Saxon studied the Xeno's he's never seen their kind before, they varied in height and sizes. The largest of the creatures had hunched legs and four mandibles it carried some kind of energy weapon. The creature yelled at its subordinates whipping them to get to work. "The big one is the leader" Havoc whispered while aiming his long las Saxon nodded in agreement. The Commissar approached the two Kriegsmen. "What's the situat-" suddenly a ship zooms over head causing the soldiers to drop to the ground to avoid being seen. The ship resembled a prong like shape as it hovered over the drilling outpost. The ship hovered in place, doors began to open on the side to reveal more Xeno's inside preparing to disembark. Just before they jumped out a blue bolt of energy hit the ships exposed interior causing the ship to explode instantly sending a ripple of explosions onboard the ship killing all those inside. The ship fell out of the sky crashing into the drill site causing a massive explosion which sent debris and shrapnel into the air. The Xeno's on the ground were in disarray, running around in a panic as they took up arms and searched from were the shot came from. The Death Korps of Krieg watched this display in awe and confusion as three open topped vehicles with massive guns mounted the top of them raced out of the tree line west of them barrelling towards the drill site. They began firing at the remaining Xeno's one of the vehicles fired its energy weapon again destroying one of the floating towers in one shot while the others fired some sort of chain gun. They began shredding through the remaining aliens, swerving in and out of wreckage and debris as they fired. The aliens returned fire, they used some kind of plasma weapons. Saxon recognised it instantly by the blue bolts that fired from their weapons. Others some kind of purple and bronze handgun that fired pink spikes. Suddenly one of the vehicles was hit by a green ball of energy causing it to flip and explode. The occupants were ejected from it. They hit the ground hard none of them got back up, this allowed the Kriegsmen to get a better look at the attackers. They looked humanoid, actually they looked exactly like humans clad in camouflaged amour and helmets. The firefight had kicked up a lot of dust obscuring visibility. Saxon gave the order to slowly approve the fighting using the tall grass as cover.

Out of nowhere the sky ripped open as multiple objects rained from the sky. Saxon and the Commissar stared at them as the hit ground. They were large metallic drop pods of some kind suddenly, the sprang open revealing    more troops in black armour with a coloured stripes on their helmet began emerging from their pods. They instantly began firing at the aliens and engaging in hand to hand combat with knifes. They fought fearlessly and effortlessly. Saxon was slightly impressed by these unknown soldiers. One of the soldiers charged at the Xeno leader firing his weapon as he charged. The leader was unfazed by the hail of bullets almost like they just disintegrated on impact. He grabbed the soldier by the throat, thrusting him into the air. The Soldier kicked and punched trying to get the alien to loosen its grip. It was futile, the alien then ran the soldier through with his energy sword effortlessly before throwing the corpse aside. Saxon stood in awe as the body hit the floor causing the soldiers helmet to come off revealing a human face. Upon seeing this Saxon was filled with hate for the Xeno's, he may not know who these humans were but they are human none the less. "Maybe they're a local PDF or maybe elysian drop troops don't they use some kind of drop pod tech?" She said inquisitively "whoever they are they're human and that's enough for now" Saxon replied through gritted teeth, he hated Xeno's and seeing this display disgusted him. Saxon turned to his men "fix bayonets! And prepare to charge!" He yelled, he didn't care with the Xeno's heard him they were too busy dealing with their attackers. The Kriegsmen transitioned into a crouched position pulling out their bayonets and fixing them into position with a satisfying click. They waited for the order almost begging for it to be given. Saxon unholstered his hotshot las pistol and and unsheathed his power sword. The Commissar did the same "are you sure this is the right approach Major?" She said her voice slightly quivering. Saxon stared at her he had forgotten this is her first assignment, her first engagement, her first battle. He sighed "It's the Krieg way Commissar, we'll catch them off guard and crush them underfoot" the Commissar paused and closed her eyes while she found her courage and nodded at the Majors masked face "Give the order Major!". The Major stood up from his crouched position, his men did the same reading for what's about to happen . He raised his sword and then swiftly pointed it towards the enemy while yelling at the top of his lungs "Charge! For the Emperor!" And then began sprinting towards the the enemy leading the charge as his men followed closely behind. The Commissar ran beside him with a Fierce look of determination on her face as she ran with her bolt pistol in hand aiming it at the rapidly approaching firefight.

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