Chapter Two | A New Start

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Hey guys. Sorry this chapter was so short. We promise the next one will be a long chapter so we can make it up to you guys. Thanks for staying with us and reading Euphoria and we give a huge thanks for the support. Love you all <3 

Emma's POV:

I look in the mirror. My hair is sticking out in all directions and I look like a mess. My freckles are more noticeable than ever and there are large bags under my eyes. I frown at my reflection. I play around with my hair, failing every time to make it look decent. I sigh loudly, giving up. 

Stepping carefully through the creaky floorboards, I reach for the bag of Halloween treats I gathered nearly four months ago, packing a few extras for Kathy as I sneak through the door without waking my dad.

My backpack pulls me down and I drag my legs to school. I knew it was only just a dream, but for some odd reason, it hurts. A lot. Why would I have such a dream just one day before I was actually going to confess? 

I quickly tell myself to snap out of it. I'm worrying too much. I'm just imagining things. 

But deep down, I need an answer. Surely it meant something. Something important. 

Edward's POV:

I wake up in the morning feeling uneasy. Something's off. The dream I was...different. 

Looking at the clock, I realise I'm late for school. I quickly put my uniform on and hurry out the door, skipping breakfast. Kathy rolls her eyes at me and I stick my tongue out. 

She's so. 


I walk to school with Kathy, still wondering about the dream. I usually had dreams about Emma, but it was different. She was crying... and... 

"What is up with you today?" Kathy says, smacking my arm. "You're awfully quiet." 

"Nothing," I tell her, rubbing my arm. The strength that Kathy has... 

She rolls her eyes once again. 

Then, a few metres away, I see Emma strolling down ahead of us. Kathy starts running towards her. She looks sad. Part of me wants to go up to her and hug her, but I realise my friends are there. I can't. 

I walk towards my friends, taking a few quick glances at Emma. Kathy gives me a look and she pulls Emma away. 

I fake a smile as I reach my friends. I can't let them know. I just can't.

Emma's POV:

I spot Edward and shiver slightly. Brushing it off, I attempt a polite wave. Edward continues walking, obviously failing to realise my wave. He is too focused on his conversation. I roll my eyes, and Kathy mouths 'boys'. I laugh along with her and try to forget about it. 

Reaching the gates, that the chatter behind Kathy and I had disappeared. Turning around, I notice that Edward and his friends have left. 

Kathy notices this too, and says, "Edward's just gone off to pick up some more friends." 

I nod at her. 

Then, I stared expectantly at the tall, newly painted gate. I sigh loudly. 'As if I'd find my prince charming here,' I say, laughing at the thought. 

Suddenly, I feel my body plunge to the ground. I yelp and slip even more. 

I fall, my hands failing to reach the ground. My face is pressed against the hot pavement. Ouch, I murmur. Suddenly, I hear footsteps nearing me. Oh gosh, don't look at me, I say in my head. I smell a mild scent of cinnamon and a pair of hands pull me up. 

"Thanks" I mutter, still embarrassed. I don't look at the person. I quickly brush bits of dirt and stone off my skirt. 

Then I look up.

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