The me you are trying to figure out inside my heart

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Trying to figure out where it all went wrong can't seem to understand all of you
You may find it easy to play ghost but all I want is the truth
I have been replaying every moment of that day in my head trying to figure out how you hurt me
We all know it wasn't from how you touched me
But it was from the heart that is within me
Which is something you cannot touch physically
I was hoping I wouldn't want to cry anymore or let all the tears stop from running down
But I guess their right no touch can heal the wound of the pain
It just stays as a scar
And until I can piece it together I don't know how I can find out what went wrong
Please keep me in your prayers
Because right now a blessing is all I can ask for.

Trying to figure out where it all went wrong from start to finish Where stories live. Discover now