Chapter 14

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Shen Xiuqi did not return the news. The phone call was also turned off. Suya had a sigh of relief and had to give up.

After driving home, Su Yaya put the magazines she bought and the toffee sent by Wang Wenhao on the table. I also put the purchased food for the other. Put the refrigerator in the refrigerator, put it in the kitchen and put it in the kitchen. When she finished all this, she heard the voice coming from the bag.

She opened the bag and took out the phone. She saw the name of Shen Xiuqi on the screen of the phone, and hurriedly swiped the answer button and picked up the phone.

"Husband." She screamed sweetly and called it very smoothly. Obviously, she was completely adapted to Shen Xiuqi. This probably has a certain relationship with her own acting skills.

Shen Xiuqi said on the phone: "I just got off the plane and will be home in half an hour."

Su Yaya heard, surprised: "How can it be so fast? You are not saying that you can come back at night?" She thought that at least 90 o'clock in the evening.

"It’s already late at night." Shen Xiu said with a smile: "It’s already more than 7 o'clock in the evening."

Ok, at 7 o'clock in the evening and at night, Shen Xiuqi did not say anything wrong.

“Is it good to advertise today?” Shen Xiuqi asked.

"It's very smooth." Su Yaya replied that he did not intend to tell him about the vice president Huang. Anyway, the advertisements have already been filmed, and the matter has been solved. I will not see you again in the future. It is better to have nothing less.

The two men said a few more words. When they called the phone, Shen Xiuqi said: "I received your message."

"Yeah." Su Yaya chuckled.


Su Yaya blinked, how to hang so fast? Looking at the black phone screen, she smiled at the corner of her mouth.

In the afternoon, I ate an advertisement. Suyaya ate too much candy, and the stomach was so tired that she only wanted to drink some porridge.

She put down her mobile phone, went into the kitchen, took out the bought rice, smashed half a bowl of rice with a bowl, and took some broken corn kernels and mixed them together. I washed them with pots and put them into the pot to add a lot of water. The fire was opened to moderate, and a pot of corn porridge was cooked.

At the same time as the glutinous rice porridge, she took another cucumber and sprinkled it with salt and marinated it. She didn't eat much spicy food. She only added some raw garlic and chicken seasoning to make a plate of cold cucumber.

If she is alone, it will suffice to do so. The cucumber and corn porridge are delicious.

It’s just that after a while, Shen Xiuqi is coming back. At this point, the plane is definitely not eating. At most, it’s just a little bit of a plane meal. However, Shen Xiu’s appetite is awkward. How can he like the things that are so unpalatable? It’s estimated that he hasn’t eaten much.

Thinking this way, Su Yaya decided to fry a green pepper and stir-fry.

She took out the freshly bought green pepper from the refrigerator, removed the seeds, washed them, cut them into silk, and took a small piece of lean meat bought today, washed and cut the lean meat into silk. Open a big fire, cook a hot pot, pour a little oil, wait for the oil to heat up, put the **** and garlic into it and stir-fry it, then put the lean meat into it and fry it, wait until the meat has changed color, then put in the green pepper Then fry together for a minute or two, let go of the soy sauce, chicken essence and other seasonings, a plate of delicious green pepper shredded pork is ready.

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