Getting Up

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Rons POV
Blimey, this week has been awful. Hermione had to volunteer us to have Luna's 30th birthday celebration at our house! Do it at the Leaky Cauldron, I complained. They have cheap group rates! Every time I mentioned this, Hermione gave me a death glare.
"Luna is a family friend," she scolded. "We will have her Surprise Party here!"
Honestly, that woman needs some medicine.
A fist starts battering on the bedroom door.
"UP RONALD!" Yells Hermione. I give her a moan. "Honestly Ronald! The party is today! We need to prepare!"
"Prepare?" I ask. "what have we not done yet?" Hermione groans and storms down the hall. I wonder what I said?
I decide to get dressed. Hermione is so nervous about this party tonight. She needs to sort out her priorities. I haven't seen her this nervous since we had her parents over for the first time. I picked an old shirt from my drawers. On the front it says "I'm a keeper." I remember when we got these in Diagon Ally. Hermiones says "I'm a catch." We bought these when she was getting her books for a final year at Hogwarts. She wanted me to go back! Hah! No way was that happening! Once they told me I could become an aruror I was all set. Hermione wanted to work for her position. As if we haven't done enough!
Anyway, I pulled on the shirt. Surprisingly, it wouldn't fit over my belly. Maybe I've become a bit thicker in the middle, but I bet it was just hit with a shrinking spell. I nabbed a Gryffindor shirt and went downstairs. Snow is melting off the trees outside. I wonder how long until summer, and the kids come home. Hermione always wants to take the kids to do muggle activities over the summer. One day she ranted about how they should join a "swim team" what is that? Do Muggles swim as a sport? Fascinating.

"RON!" Calls Hermione. That's my cue. I head downstairs. Preparing myself for the crazy I am about to be bombarded with.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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