Sprite Cranberry?

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It was a late Christmas night. 4:30 to be exact. You shuffle your feet through your dark kitchen searching for the light switch. Once your fingers met the cold plastic, your tired eyes where immediately flooded with light. You stand there for a moment in the middle of the kitchen. You take a breath of cold air in but something doesn't feel right...

Maybe it was the desolate living room that had a small tree and one lonely stocking hung up by a push tack. Or maybe it was the longing feeling of wishing you were younger, when times were ,warmer...

Now you stand alone in your kitchen feeling uneasy. You turn around and open your fridge to see only a couple peaces of salami, some old shredded cheese, and a half drank carton of milk. But you wanted something more, something that could quench your thirst. You kept searching to try to find something ✨fruity✨

But you came up short on your search to find a very berry and merry drink. Though your mind was focused on something else. You close the fridge disappointed and turn of the lights. You start to head back to your bedroom.

You get just outside your bedroom door with your hand hovering over the door nob. But you notice a light breeze on your feet cumming from the bottom of the door. This wasn't irregular, but something was telling you not to go in there. Unfortunately against you better judgement you build up the courage to open the door. But nothing was wrong. So you travel over to your bed and flop down on to your low mattress. Suddenly you hear a can opening from inside your closet.

You sit up in confusion and fear. A moment of silence passes through the room untill the closet door slowly creeks open.

Heavy footsteps grow closer and closer. A shadow of a tall figure approaches you. You hear the man breath in slightly. Now he's close enough that you could make out his facial features and his red snowflake sweater with a white vest over it that read LBJ.

Your eyes widen in shock as Lebron James stands at the edge of your bedding and says " ☝You 😰wanna 👄💧✨Sprite Cranberry?✨👉👈💧"

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