Chapter 8 - Pass of the Caradhras

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Third Pov

It was a nice autumn day, and it was finally for the Fellowship to go. The Fellowship was standing outside the entrance of Imladris. Lord Elrond, Lady Arwen, and other elves were standing with us. Lord Elrond told us with a straight face, "The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than you will." He pauses for a few seconds, and before he continues. "Farewell. Hold your purpose. May the blessing of elves and men and free folks go with you."

Legolas, Aragorn, and Tauriel both placed 1 of their hands on their heart, and bowed their heads, in respect. Everyone else just stood there, watching. Gandalf finally said, "The Fellowship awaits the ringbearer." Frodo, then, turns and walks towards the gate, nervous, and feeling a little uncertain. When he walked up to the gate, he saw that there were 2 ways to go.

"Mordor, Gandalf. Is it left or right?" Frodo asked, softly.

Gandalf whispered back, "Left."

The Fellowship followed Frodo, but Aragorn hesitated. He turned back, and looked at Glynn, smiled faintly at her, and nodded a farewell, and then turned around to follow Frodo.

They traveled for days and days. One day when they were sitting on some rocks at the mountains, taking a break. Boromir is teaching Merry and Pippin how to fight while Aragorn and Tauriel watched them.

Boromir is teaching Pippin currently. "Two, one, five. Good. Very good." Boromir tells Pippin. Aragorn, who is smoking, tells Pippin, "Move your feet."

Pippin went back to where Merry is, where Merry told him, "You look good." Pippin replied with, "Thanks."

Boromir lets both of the hobbits spar with him, and tells them to go faster. But then, Boromir accidentally hit Pippin's hand. Pippin yelled, while Boromir apologized, but it looks like that didn't do anything but still have Merry and Pippin attack him. Both Aragorn and Tauriel laughed at them, and Aragorn said, "Gentlemen, that's enough." He went to help Boromir, but only got pushed to the ground too.

Then, Legolas stared to the distance, and Sam called out, "What is that?"

Gimli answered with, "Nothing, just a whiff of cloud."

Boromir got up from where he was, and said, "It's moving fast....against the wind."

At that moment, both Tauriel and Legolas knew what it was, and both shouted, "Creban of Dunland!" They both stared into each other's eyes, and blushed, and said nothing.

Aragorn shouted, "Hide!" while Boromir shouted, "Hurry!"

Tauriel couldn't find a hiding spot quick enough. She felt a hand pull her behind a rock. She saw that she was on top of Legolas. Time seems to stop for both of them. Tauriel's hands were on top of Legolas's chest. Both of them snapped out of their trance when they heard the others coming out of their hiding places.

Gandalf stood up and said, "We must take the Pass of the Caradhras."

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