ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯: 01

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I walked in the kitchen and saw Clary on her sketch book. I minded my own business and took out 3 energy bars. I put one in my bag. I saw mom come in with plastic bags in her hands. "Hey mom." I hugged her. "Looking good as always Aurie." I smiled and twirled. "Dived into my closet last night and found a lot of clothes that I haven't worn yet." Mom chuckled.

I walked over to Clary. "Happy birthday big sis." I gave her a box. "What is it?" I shrugged innocently. She opened it and saw a pair of pearl diamond earrings. "These look expensive. Where do you even get all the money you spend?" She asked as she inspected them. "I barely used any of my allowance for the past six years, then there's modelling, then some are from rich ex boyfriends."

Clary smiled. "Thank you Aurie." I mocked salute. I finished my second energy bar and drank some water. "Gotta go." I kissed mom and Clary before making my way to the door. "Aurie!" I turned to mom. "Yeah?" She walked over to me and handed me some fancy gold box. "This is for you." I opened it.

" I opened it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"It's pretty." I pick it up. It glowed slightly. Weird. "What is it?" I look at mom curiously. "Its a family heirloom. Don't lose it and always keep it with you." I nodded. I said one last goodbye and left to school.

☾ ☬ ☽

I was walking down the streets with my umbrella. I went to the mall to watch some movie after school which is why I'm late. I noticed that the door was wide open. Weird. I stepped inside shocked at the sight in front of me. What the hell happened while I was gone? I saw Clary talking to Dot.

"They took her. they took Jocelyn." Something isn't right. I grab a chinese ring dagger from under my skirt. It was strapped to my thigh, mom always told me to bring it everywhere I go. "Who? Who took her?" Clary asked. Dot suddenly turned into something that looked disgusting and lunged at clary. 

I ran at full speed and slashed its face. It screamed as its face burned before it healed. "Aurie!" Clary exclaimed in relief as she ran to my side. "What is that?" She asked. "I don't know." I reply as I push her behind me and we begin to walk backwards. It lunged at us again. It managed to scratch my right wrist and Clary's shoulder. 

I cut off one of the tentacles before the hideous creature burst into dust. I saw an attractive blonde man holding a glowing blade. "What? No thank you for saving your life?" He asked. "Thanks." I mutter. "Why is the room spinning?" I turned to my older sister. I was a little dizzy but I can manage.

The man walked to us. He grabbed my right hand which still clutched the dagger tightly. He looked to Clary's shoulder and my wrist. "Demon venom." Clary tilted her head. "Is that a bad thing?" Clary suddenly fell forward and landed into the blonde's arms. "Merde." I cursed. "You feeling okay?" The blonde asked.

"A little dizzy but I'm fine." I inspected the bite. It looked nastier than Clary's. "Can you walk?" He asked. "I think." I answer. "Good. Come on."

☾ ☬ ☽

I woke up to an extremely unfamiliar and dark room. Where am I? Then the things that happened recently came crashing to my mind. Oh right. Demons exist and Clary and I are shadowhunters. I looked around to see that the curtains were shut and the lights were turned off. I never really got a good look at of room since Jace had to draw that rune thing and explain everything before I fell asleep.

 I never really got a good look at of room since Jace had to draw that rune thing and explain everything before I fell asleep

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It's really nice. Just a few Auriel touches and it'll be perfect. I frowned. I wonder if Clary's awake. Is mom okay? I stood up. I looked down to see that I was just in an oversized shirt and my underwear. I looked at the closet to find it surprisingly filled to the brim with clothes. Only a few weren't dark but hey, I love dark colors.

 Only a few weren't dark but hey, I love dark colors

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I showered before changing into my outfit. I didn't have any make up on which was fine. I mean make up does exist to amplify our gifts. I'm perfectly fine with a bare face. I made sure my white necklace and the stele that mom gave me was with me before going to the infirmary. As I was walking in the hallway. I heard Clary and Jace talking.

"What's a G.I Joe?" Clary sighed. "A soldier who doesn't understand human emotions." What the hell did I miss now? "I didn't know my mother." Clary's face fell. "Am I interrupting something?" I walked closer to the two. "Aurie." Clary hugged me tightly. "So we know that Valentine is back and wants the cup, and for some reason he thinks our mother has it."

Who the fuck is he?

𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕱𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 ⚵ ꜱʜᴀᴅᴏᴡʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀꜱحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن