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chapter four.

"harder! focus!" mama yelled.

she believed i could make a dead bird fly. dead limbs are still limbs after all. i was crying, all i could focus on was the heat of the tears running down my cheeks. i was focused, that's for sure. focused on the limp body of the bird in front of me in my backyard. though i didn't want to make the bird fly, this was the only time i'd been outside in the fresh air in weeks. i've been trapped inside, either locked in my bedroom, or confined to the darkness of the closet. i wasn't going to miss this chance to see the sun again.

"i'm trying, mama!" i cried, trying so hard to make the bird at least move a wing or a leg.

"not hard enough! if you don't move the bird and gain control over it, you'll never succeed. you'll never be able to play with your brothers and so help me i will lock you in that closet again!"

no. no, i can't go back in there. i don't want to be in the dark again. it's scary.

i screamed. mama covered her ears to drown out the sound of my screams. i felt the power in my arm, the pain, the exhaustion. and as i felt that pain, the wings of the bird began to move and flap. it was disgusting. seeing the limp head stay down as the bird flapped and flew. it was morbid.

my screaming came to a slow, as my arms went numb and my brain fogged. my head felt like it was being torn apart. the bird dropped back down to the grass, gaining it's limp posture once again. my mama uncovered her ears and began to clap, but the sound was as if i was underwater.

"good job, dear. you did so well. i'm so proud of you. it must be much easier to control something that is living, something used to moving."

i did it. i made mama proud.

the memory popped into my mind after professor aizawa stated that he was proud of us for working so well with allmight, and he was proud of the winners.

the rest of the students were extremely excited, hoping we would be doing something just as exciting as the drill we had completed the previous day. i, on the other hand, was reminiscing.

"mr. aizawa! you should have seen ayatsuri! she was incredible! todoroki and her were like.. pros!" kaminari exclaimed, his hands doing most of the talking for him. he was almost animated in a sense.

mr. aizawa nodded, "i heard how well those two did during the drill. i am impressed."

mr. aizawa was a good teacher. he may be quiet and sleepy, but he was good with children. it's a good thing we haven't encountered much of him at the league. he would be able to render all of our quirks useless. most importantly, he could render me useless. and i will not be feel useless ever again. not in this lifetime.

"tomorrow we will be taking a trip to the USJ. we will be guided by our very own pro-hero thirteen."

midoriya almost squealed; his little obsession with heroes was becoming a nuisance. he had his notebook filled with information on pros and even his own classmates. it was creepy. as much as it was creepy, it was also smart. if i could get my hands on that notebook i would know all of 1A as well as pro's weaknesses. it would seem useful to get him on our side as well, considering his closeness and similarities to allmight. but because of his closeness to allmight, that would be extremely more difficult than recruiting someone with motive, like todoroki.

one thing at a time.


"USJ, hm?"

kirishima nodded, "yeah. and pro-hero thirteen will be there as well. it would be the perfect opportunity for an ambush. the students would be divided up within the disaster zones."

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