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Memories ~ The Best Friend

"You give up easily." Lincoln asserted as he pushed a hundred pound bag of sand onto the rest of the ones stacked by the corner wall of the gym, Saint was glaring at him from the floor, he was regretting ever thinking the alpha could be his friend or even allowing the thought of him helping him heal. "I don't, its heavy." He grumbled as the alpha helped him up to his feet, in the process of helping him up the alpha inhaled the smaller boys scent making a smile stretch out on his lips. "Apples, vanilla and cinnamon, not a common combo, I want to tell you something, you're just like your scent, you're beautiful, strong and alluring, but an apple can be alluring yet still be coated with deadly poison, and that poison, is the pain, hate, anger, hurt and most of all the sinking feeling of depression that's all around you, you need to let it go, forgive yourself, wash yourself clean from it, because the more you hold on to it, the more you'll be less likely to lift that bag of sand." Lincoln exclaimed just as he walked away leaving Saint to maul over the words he had said.

He knew he was right, but he didn't know what else to feel, all the emotion he was keeping inside was how he was holding himself together, if he let it out he would shatter. "Come." A voice called out and Saint immediately recognized it, it was Kyro senior, always looking like a businessman, only this time he had the inner waist coat not the complete suit itself. They made their way outside of the training room to the woods just a bit farther from the whole mansion. "Let it out, and I will catch you, my sons will put you back together and be like your name, a saint, to us, because the only way you'll ever move on is if you rid yourself of the dirt that stains your wolf and your soul." The older man stated as he stood next to Saint, he didn't know how it happened, he just began to scream, his anger all of it came out in that scream, it was raw and full of emotion, and when he stopped his tears began to fall, just as he fell to his knees and mourned, wailed and finally broke, but Lincoln was there to hold him, so was Kyro senior, he was falling apart and they were holding him together as he let out all his emotions, he forgave them all, he let go, but he never forgot his scars, they shaped who he would be, and now more than ever he knew he would always have Lincoln to help him and be his friend. He nolonger had poison, only a heart that wanted to be filled with life.



I groaned feeling my body complain because of how sore I was, the alpha definitely had pent up energy and frustration that he took out on me in mind blowing sex, thank the goddess for whatever the cause was because I knew I needed that kind of banging, though it usually ends up with me sore more than ever, even though my eyes were shut I could feel him, all of him tangled up with me in the sheets, his rock hard abs on my back and his soft snores lingering above my head, I wanted this moment to never end, to keep it forever on replay and for aslong as I could enjoy it, I did. It was only our first night here and one of the five had gotten arrested, I wasn't stupid enough to think it was a coincidence and I aslo had plans of my own that I wanted to entact but something in me was drawing back, my wolf agreed aswell that whatever was happening I needed to just lay back and watch only intervene or cause more chaos when the opportunity comes, as for now, I had to enjoy the show.

Another issue that was bothering me about last night was alpha Hunt's son being my little brothers mate, that was a complication I had not foreseen and I knew that it would only get more complicated since Deniz knew about my past with the Hunt family, I didn't want to interfere yet we already had, how would they even be in the same room when my overprotective mate wanted to rip him apart, if Senior knew about this then it would spell even more trouble, his overprotective tendencies are just as bad as his son, never mind Lincoln he would definitely lock up Deniz in the pack mansion and have a 24/7 watch on his ass so that his supposed mate never got close or he would die a miserable death, I was conflicted myself, I loved Deniz and mates were precious, I wanted this for him yet I feared what would happen to him, the apple never falls far from the tree, what if he was just pining for Deniz because there was a crowd and his wolf was more on the surface than normal, once it was satiated he would get rid of him, there was also a possibility that his Dante heritage was the golden key to wealth, I couldn't put it past the Hunt family, most of what they did was for money, I really needed a plan. "Emory, baby." Kyro grumbled into my hair as Emory wailed from his makeshift bed in the other room which was slightly open.

"Let me go shadow so I can get him to stop." I whispered my response using his wolf's name, ever since I got to know it, I've always had to use it when I want to seduce or just get him to do something. "Naughty." Kyro grumbles as he let's go and I move from the bed, grabbing his shirt and my boxers I make my way to the small room where Emory is already getting off the bed by himself, he takes a few steps, and then a few more as he wanted to get to me, he was getting past the crawling phase so when he was motivated enough, he walked. "My baby." I cooed as his cries simmered down to little sniffles when he was in my arms, we had come home just after bed time and both my kids were asleep so we didn't disturb them and it was perfect for Kyro to have his wicked ways with me.

"Come here." Kyro asserts as we walk back into the main bedroom and his arms are wide open for both of us, I sit by his lap, with our child in my arms, his kisses on our heads are cherished, I appreciated how this was my life now, I was grateful that he gave me this, it was beautiful and one day I wanted Deniz to have this. "You have to let them meet." I blurt out and he chuckles making faces for Emory who laughed along. "Do I have a say or you're going to just dive in without actually thinking it through?" He asks with raised brows and I kiss his slightly bearded cheek. "I'm asking because its not my decision only, I will talk to dad too but I need to have you onboard, and yes I have a plan." I replied and he hummed, I knew he was going to strike a deal. "If I agree, you're making my favourite and you're wearing lace tonight, so I can—." He throws in his deal, I couldnt let him say the last part with the baby with us, Emory was picking up on words and I did not want my baby singing procrastinations at a young age, I had that problem with Kyro the third when he got stuck with fuck.

It was a good deal plus I was planning on spoiling him anyway, why not just make it seem as if it was his idea. "You have a deal baby." I assert as I kiss him again but as we draw apart a wave of nausea suddenly hits me and I'm handing Emory to his father before running toward the bathroom. Kyro held my hair as I heaved the remains of last nights dinner, this was definitely morning sickness, meaning I could be pregnant, I had suspicion, now this was confirmation. "Well this just got saucy." I mumbled as my mate helped me sit by the marble tub, he had that amazed and overjoyed look on his face. "Will it be a boy or a girl this time?" He asks making me stare at him with a loose jaw, baby daddy what.



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