Chapter 1: It All Just Kinda Happened

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A.N. Welcome to my new story, "Picture Perfect Family," a Henry Danger fanfiction! Enjoy! Henry is 16 in this fanfic btw.


Henry woke up to yelling. He thought something was going on and that his family was in danger, so he quickly checked the time on the clock on his bedside table. It was 1:30 in the morning. Who was screaming at 1:30 in the morning and why?

Henry quickly got out of bed and went downstairs to make sure no one was attacking his family or something.

Upon descending the stairs, his mother and father stopped their arguing long enough to acknowledge their sin standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ah! Let's ask Henry! Henry, do you think I'm too overprotective and paranoid?" Henry's mother asked him.

"And do you think I don't care enough about you and your sister?" Henry's father stepped in.

Just as Henry was about to say something, his mother started yelling at his father again, "you're never there for them and you just let them do whatever they want with no rules or boundaries! And you would only care if one of them got hurt!"

Jake looked offended as he started screaming at his wife again, "well, you shelter them too much and barely let them have any freedom!"

And just like that, they were arguing again. Henry kept trying to say something, but every time he would open his mouth, he would be cut off by more screaming. He heard Piper's bedroom door open, so he quickly went upstairs to try to get her back to bed so she didn't have to hear all the arguing.

He met her at her door as she got it completely open. "Heyyyy, Pipes."

"Henry? What's with all the yelling?" Henry just slightly nudged Piper back into her room and walked in after her, closing the door and locking it. He didn't think his parents would do anything to hurt them, but he didn't want to take any chances.

"Don't worry about it, Piper. Just go back to bed, okay?" Henry said gently.

"What's going on...?" Piper asked.

"Uh, nothing! Just..." Henry looked around and spotted Piper's Bluetooth headphones. He grabbed them and put them on her and continued talking, "put these on and turn on some classical music or something and go back to bed."

He smiled at her, assuring her that everything was okay, when in reality, he didn't know if that was true.

Piper just shrugged and nodded before going back to bed like Henry told her to.

And that was the first night.

This went on for another few weeks. Night after night. Henry would always wake up to screaming and then walk downstairs to find his parents arguing. He had gotten a little used to it, but it still hurt every night to wake up to his parents arguing. Two people who claimed they loved each other. Two people who had and raised two children together.

Henry never told anybody about this. Every day, he would walk into work, looking tired, after going to school, and Ray would think nothing of it, thinking he just had a long, hard day at school.

"Kid, you okay?" is what he would ask every single day, to which Henry would reply,

"Yeah, I'm fine."

It was a lie. It was such a lie, but Ray never thought anything of it, thinking that Henry had just had a long day at school and was probably tired. But oh, how wrong he was.

He was scared. Henry Hart. Henry Hart was scared, something that he wasn't very often. Henry was basically un-scareable. Up until the moment his parents started arguing for the first time.

How long could Henry keep this secret from his boss and the rest of his friends/coworkers? He didn't know. But he knew one thing for sure. He couldn't let them find out.

No matter the cost.


A.N. And first chapter done! Expect the next chapter sometimes next weekend or the week after! Byeeeee! ✌🏻

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