Shore Leave pt 2

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Leonard tried to close the door behind himself and Spock as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake Jimmy. He had fallen asleep easily, only halfway through his second bedtime story, but they had waited a few minutes longer just to be sure that he wouldn't have woken up. Now they were certain the little boy was really asleep.

"You want something to drink?" Leonard asked, already walking to the replicator in the small living space.

"Tea, if you don't mind." Spock said.

Leonard made the vulcan a cup of tea, getting himself a glass of bourbon. As time passed Spock couldn't help but notice the puzzled look on Leonard's face as he drank. 

"Is there something on your mind, Doctor?" Spock asked

Leonard took another drink and cleared his throat, "Have you ever considered getting classified?"

"As I told Jim, Vulcans do not have classifications as humans do." Spock said, then taking a sip of his tea.

"But you're also part human. Part of your biology could allow you to be classified." Leonard looks down at his half empty glass, "Besides, I think Jim is keen on keeping you around."

Spock raised an eye brow, "I see no logical reason to test for a classification after all this time. If Jim wishes for my care I can provide it without a documented classification."

"If you do have a classification, wouldn't you want to know? What if you get hit with a stimulant and your body reacts, but you aren't prepared?"

"I suppose I could get tested." Spock said, "In preparation of such an event."

Leonard smirked, "They've got a facility here, I think they'd let me give you the test myself."

"Bones?" A small voice spoke up.

Leonard turned to find Jimmy standing just outside of his room, rubbing his eyes sleepily. His pacifier dangled at the end of it's clip, have been neglected in favor of Jimmy's thumb. It wasn't unusual for Jimmy to wake up during the night, especially when he didn't have his teddy bear, which he had seemed to have forgotten.

"What are you doing up, pumpkin?" Leonard asked, walking over to the little boy.

Jimmy slipped his thumb out of his mouth, "Wakes up and, and you wasn't there. And was dark and scary, my Bones." He said, reaching out for his caregiver, "And don't have Cookie, cause, cause he had to watch the ship for me."

"It can be quite frightening to be alone in a new place." Spock said, trying his best to sympathize with the little boy.

Jimmy nodded, "Need you sleep with me, my Bones." He stuck two of his fingers into his mouth, gently sucking on them.

Leonard sighed, he eased Jimmy's fingers out of his mouth and replaced them with the pacifier, "How many times do I have to tell not to suck on your fingers, kid? You've got a binky right here."


"Of course you do." Leonard kissed Jimmy's forehead and took the boy's clean hand in his own, "Let's get back to bed."

"Spock come too." Jimmy insisted, reaching back for the vulcan.

Leonard looked back to the Vulcan who only raised an eyebrow, "Well? Are you coming or not?" He asked.

"Of course." Spock nodded.

Jimmy bounced up on the balls of his feet a couple of times before following Leonard back to the room. He climbed up onto the bed, sitting in the very center so there would be plenty of room for Spock and Leonard on either side of him.

Jimmy snuggled up between his friends with a happy little sigh. Jimmy curled up into Leonard's side and promptly fell asleep. Leonard smiled, running his finger's through Jimmy's hair. He seemed rather content with staying to share the bed with Jimmy, kissing the boy's forehead and closing his eyes a few minutes later.

Spock lay still on his back, unsure of what he was to do. Did doctor McCoy want him to stay? Would it upset Jimmy if he were to leave? Spock felt something wrap around his arm. Jimmy had taken to cuddling his arm like a teddy bear in his sleep. Spock no longer had a choice. He closed his eyes, letting sleep wash over him. 

Spock woke up that morning with Jimmy wrapped around his body. Their legs tangled together, arms wrapped tight around Spock's body, Jimmy's head resting on the Vulcan's chest. Leonard was no where in sight. Spock debated getting up as well, but he didn't want to risk waking the captain. Jim often slept so little, he needed to rest.

"So it's not just me he does that too?" Leonard said, leaning against the door way.

"After the events of last night, it should be no surprise that Jim is looking for comfort in others." Spock said.

Leonard shook his head, "He wasn't nearly as scared as he made it out to be. The kid's a cuddle bug. I couldn't tell you the number of times he's crawled into bed with me in the middle of the night just because he wanted a cuddle."

Jimmy whined, not awake just yet, but somewhat conscious that there was something going on around him. He snuggled a little bit closer to Spock.

"Jimmy. It's time to get up, baby." Leonard ran his finger's through Jimmy's hair, hoping to avoid having a grumpy baby that morning.

Jimmy whined, "Can't. Is keepin' Mr. Spock warm." He mumbled, peaking one eye open at his caregiver.

"That is very thoughtful of you, little one, but I do not require any assistance in keeping my body at an appropriate temperature." Spock said.

"Come on, Darlin'." Leonard held out his hand to Jimmy, "Aren't you hungry? It's almost time for breakfast."

Jimmy sat up, "Breakfast?" He wanted breakfast, he always wants breakfast, "Has chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milk?"

Leonard rolled his eyes, of course the kid wanted nothing but sugar, "Alright." He agreed, it would be worth it to avoid tears, he wasn't quite awake enough to deal with that.

Jimmy smiled and climbed out of the bed, "Come on, Mr. Spock. Has breakfast with me and Bones."

Leonard cut Jimmy's pancakes into little bitesize pieces. He would wait patiently for Jimmy to open his mouth for another bite, feeding him -on the days Jimmy would allow to be fed- was much cleaner than letting the boy feed himself.

"More chocolate milk, please." Jimmy pushed his sippy cup toward his caregiver.

"Once you've finished your breakfast. I don't want you filling up on chocolate milk." Leonard said, gesturing to the mostly eaten stack of pancakes.

Spock suddenly spoke up, "Doctor, you mentioned last night that you might be permitted to use the local facilities to test for my classification."

Leonard turned back to the vulcan, "Yeah?"

"Perhaps at some point today we could visit these facilities."

"All done!" Jimmy cheered.

Spock and Leonard quickly turned back to Jimmy. Jimmy grinned at the two, his face and hands covered in chocolate and syrup. A small bit of the syrup had even dripped down onto the front of his pajamas. He had clearly taken to feeding himself when Leonard was no longer paying attention, and Leonard was still holding Jimmy's fork, not that Jimmy would have used in anyway. Leonard wet a rag to clean off the boy's face and hands.

Leonard sighed and shook his head, "Messy boy. You get more on your face than you do in your mouth."

"More chocolate milk!" Jimmy giggled, trying to squirm away from the rag.

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