Table Of Contents

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Natalie's parents decide they are going to take a 3 week family rode trip to Florida over the summer. They stay at a fancy high-end hotel and sit around lounging by the pool all day while Natalie is left bored out of her mind. Like any other sixteen-year-old all she wants is to have some fun and a little adventure; so when her parents, little sister, and older brother go to bed at night she decides to sneak off to a party that she was invited to.

Everywhere Natalie goes she doesn't seem to realize that boys have their eye's on her sexy figure and beautiful face, especially someone in particular...

The next morning she wakes up in a strangers apartment and can't remember that a boy took her home to keep her out of trouble since she was so drunk. Natalie sneaks out of the house before he can catch her and she wonders whether they slept together. 

After a few more days she bumps into him at a beach. They talk for a little while and pretty soon they find each other irresistible. Every day for the rest of her vacation she finds a way to spend time with this myserious, gorgeous, brooding boy named Carter.

Her parents get upset when they find out she is hanging around with a 22 year-old guy and forbid her from leaving the hotel but she finds her way out of everything.

Natalie is the only girl that Carter hasn't used, the only girl Carter has ever had feelings for, so when he finds out she's leaving he proposes she move in with him. Natalie can't do that no matter how much she wanted to or how much she wishes she could. 

While back at home she discovers she's pregnant and get's a new boyfriend. Natalie dodges all of Carter's calls and the next year she goes back to Florida and runs into the love of her life, the father of her child; it's all a dare for distance.

Table Of Contents:

Chapter 1- That Look

Dare For DistanceWhere stories live. Discover now