Chapter 5

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The sun rose high in the sky.

It was the next day.

Nene walked along the streets, with a paper in her hand. She scanned through the written address and looked around.

I wonder where......?

Nene sighed.

Nene had decided that she should start doing her own search since Kou didn't want to risk her life. She has to admit that it's so sweet of him wanting to protect her.

But she felt like he's going overboard.

He was going overboard!

She can take care of herself. And she knew she can.

What Nene heard yesterday still unsettled her.

"Hey, hey! Have you heard the rumour? Of the forbidden cave? They say that the cave is forbidden because it is cursed. Whoever has gone there never came back...."

Nene thought deeply.

Rumors were rumors but rumors which are told in Kamome Academy were always accurate. Especially when it's a rumor of a ghost story. But this rumor didn't seem like a ghost story....

Nene wanted to know more about this 'forbidden cave'. It sounded so mysterious and creepy.

Maybe she can ask about it to the Okara clan.

Since they were exorcist's, they must have known about it. Right?

Nene sighed, still walking on the street.

She first hoped that she could find the address to the Okara clan's house. It was tough cause there was so many houses in this street.

Nene fumed with the paper as she kept searching the area.

Nope, not this house. Nope. Nope. No- Ah! At last! I found the place!

Nene stood in front of a house, quite a big house.

She checked the number plate to make sure she was in front of the correct house.

#37 The Okara's


She was in front of the correct house then.

Nene walked up to the door and pressed the home bell, waiting for someone to open it from the inside.

-Ding Dong-

Soon she heard the sound of footsteps from the other side, getting louder, definitely walking towards the door.

Nene nervously stood in her place.

She always had Kou and Hanako taking the lead, mostly.

It felt sort of scary taking the lead on her own, that too without anyone knowing about it. Definitely scary.

The door opened.

A handsome boy opened the door.

Nene didn't even start swooning after seeing him. She was so firm in her love for Hanako.

The boy had black hair and eyes, and was looking at her confused.

"Um...who are you?" He asked, looking at her.

"Uh...." Nene blinked.

How was she supposed to approach??

"Er...I want to meet the head of the Okara clan...." Nene blurted out.

Stupid me! That sounded so dumb....

The boy only blinked.

He opened his mouth to speak but got interrupted as he got pushed aside by another person.

Come Back To Me // TBHK (Hananene)Where stories live. Discover now