21st Tenkaichi Budokai Saga

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Last time on Izuku Into The Dragon Ball World. Izuku and the gang were captured by Pilaf and his goons, as they stole The Dragon Balls from them and managing to summon the Eternal Dragon, Shenron. Unfortunately for Pilaf, Oolong managed to make perverted and selfish wish that involved the world's most comfortable girls underwear.
Foiling the Pilaf plans of world domination, the group decided to split. Goku was planning on going to Master Roshi's place to train. Bulma and the rest decided to go to West City. Izuku then decided to join with Goku at Master Roshi's place to train as well, Bulma then decided that she was going to company Izuku and Goku to Master Roshi's place to talk to him about something.

Goku and Izuku headed towards to Roshi's island with the Nimbus, while the Bulma and the gang were following them with an Aircraft. Goku had to take a small detour at his house, he grab some stuff and flew towards the island.

At Roshi's Island

Goku and Izuku landed on the small island followed by the aircraft with Bulma and the rest of the gang. The Old Turtle Hermit coming out of Kame House is surprised and puzzled to see visitors, but realize that it was the group of young people that were at Fire Mountain.

Roshi: What is a surprise, come here to visit little old me.?
Goku: Hey, Master Roshi.! Me and Izuku are here and ready for training.!
Roshi: Training.? Oh! I remember now, but weren't you supposed to make a wish to return the lost boy home? Don't tell me that it was a legend after all.

Bulma: No, the Dragon was real but unfortunately a certain PIG had to wish a pair of panties.
Oolong: HEY! Stop pestering me about it okay.! I did just saved the world from being dominated by a buffoon, didn't I.!?

Bulma and Oolong then started to bicker making Yamcha and Puar to separate the two. This made the Old Turtle Hermit to laughed.

Roshi: Whatever happened it must have been quite the show. Any case I'll train the boys, but Bulma what are you doing here? Don't tell me you want to train as well?
Bulma: No, I've got school to go and return to but I will come by to check up on cute little Izuku. So this way YOU don't temper with his innocence.

Izuku would complain that he wasn't cute and that he's tough. Roshi agreed to Bulma's request but he didn't promise that he wouldn't. Bulma and the rest of the gang said there goodbye and left for West City. Leaving Izuku and Goku in the care of Master Roshi but not soon after Goku then points out that somebody was coming this way.

Goku, Izuku, and Roshi watched as a small bald boy on a boat. The small bald boy then introduced himself as Krillin. He came from the City from the East and wants to be Roshi student. Roshi agreed but ask Goku and Krillin to look for a girl that is willing to stay with them. While he gets to know more about Izuku and where he's from.

Roshi: Izuku, I was wondering on what's your world like?
Izuku: Sure thing Master Roshi. 

Izuku then explains more about his world to Master Roshi. The Old Turtle Hermit learn a lot about the Heroes from Izuku world, but in reality the Old Hermit just was curious or possibly get any info about that he's seen. Roshi was just happy to learn more about little Izuku. Sometime does past, Goku and Krillin returned with a young lady who has blue hair and big, blue eyes. She introduce herself as Launch.

Launch: You're grandsons save me a whole lot of trouble today.

Izuku: Is that really true, Goku?
Goku: Yup.!

Launch: I can't thank them enough.

Krillin: All in a day's work.
Roshi: I'm glad you're safe but they're not my grandsons there my students. I'll be training them in martial arts.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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