Chapter 3 Infultrating Enemy Lines

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Infultrating Enemy Lines

"A mouse?" Alison exclaimed, anger seeping from every pore. "You, the cat, want me, the human, to catch a mouse?! The one thing a cat is supposed to excel at catching? I have to go to some strange place that I might not even come back from, while you stay at here safe when you're the freak you can turn invisible! You're kidding, right? "

"I do not kid."

Alison let out a mirthless laugh. "Ha-ha. Joke's on me. A clever ruse, all of it. That's it, I've officially lost it. All my marbles are officially gone."

Chesh tilted his head in a cat-like manner. "You did not have any marbles to lose. To lose something, you must first have something to lose, and then lose it therefore it becomes lost."

Alison turned her gaze and met his purple eyes. "If terminal literalism were a disease, you would have been consumed before birth." She rubbed her temples. "I know this is going to bite me in the butt later, but it's time for you to explain why I'm going to obtain this mysterious mouse."

"It is not just any mouse. I guess you can say it's a friend. No, and aquaintance. An aquaitance who owes me. And he is hiding with an enemy to escape payment. I need you to retieve him, and bring him to me."

"So now I'm your extractor?"

"Precisely. Now, before you go, there are a few things you need to know." Chesh motioned for her to sit on a stump and she grudgingly obeyed. He sat on the ground directly across from her.

Alison stared at him, he returning her stare with one of his own. Finally, having enough of the silence, Alison shouted, "Well spit it out already!"

Chesh shook his head. "Your human sayings make no sense."

Alison scoffed. "Says the man who lives in a place where everything is balderdash. Let me break it down for you." Her voice came out sickly sweet. "Tell me what I need to know," Alison let the false sweetness drip away into an angered tone, "now."

He nodded his head and began. "Now let me see... where to begin.... ah! I must begin with the backstory so you understand. It began years ago with a young girl. And there were two Wonderlanders who fell in love with this beautiful creature. Before she found her way to our section of Wonderland, the two Wonderlanders, both polar opposites, were ah, what do you humans call them? The best of fries... francs, no... the best of-"

"The best of friends. I get it. And what do you mean 'our section of Wonderland'?" Alison interrupted impatiently.

"Yes. The best of friends. As for our section, it means she landed in another part of Wonderland, much like your human countries. Anyway, this girl, she was trying to get back home. She stumbled upon these two and stunned by her otherworldly beauty, they agreed to help her. This is where things began to sour. Both began to develop feeling for the young woman, and it seemed she began to feel for both of these men as well. Both began to harvest bitter feelings for the other. In the end, the girl was made to choose. But something happened before she made her choice. What exactly happened, they did not know, so they blamed eachother for the loss of their beloved. They became the worst of enemies. But is that not how it always is? The closest of alliances shatter because of the love of a woman and then become the worst of enemies?"

"Anyway they should have seen it coming. They were so blinded by the fact that they wanted to keep her here, they did not see how this place had changed her. How she was not meant to be here. Yet they went along against their paths to do so, also not realizing her yearning for her homeland, wherever it was. They seemed to have forgotten that that was what they were helping her do. She began to act strangly right before she was about to choose. She began to close herself off from them. Then she disappeared before their very eyes right before she told them who she loved more. The irony of it all in painstaking almost. But they got what they deserved, trying to warp the paths Fate had etched in stone. It was the ultimate punishment."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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