You practice some sport together (Louis)

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I'm walking with my girlfriend Y/N to a football pitch hand in hand. We are going to play football with the boys and a couple of other friends. I wouldn't have wanted Y/N to play with us but she demanded. We had a little argument about it earlier but after she convinced that she will be careful I consented. As soon as we arrived at the pitch I saw that almost everyone was already there. "Hey!" Harry exclaimed to us when he saw us. "Did you come, Y/N darling, to cheer Louis?" "Yup, but also to play" she replied with a big smile on her face. I give a quick kiss on her temple and I couldn't imagine how beautiful she looks in sport clothes, without make-up and hair in a tight ponytail. "Okay", Harry nodded.

"Everyone here? Okay, good. Let's split up to teams so we can start the game!" Niall says with a smirk. "So Zayn probably wants to be the referee? And Y/N plays?" Both nodded to answer. I noticed with my chagrin, when the division is made, that I'm in different teams with my sweetheart. " I get to play against you" she grins to me while she gives a kiss on my cheek. "Hey, is it okay, that no tackles on girls?" I ask before the folks spread to their sides. "Come on, Lou?!" Y/N complains slightly annoyed at the same time when the boys are nodding in response. "I don't want you to get hurt" I whisper to her ear. Y/N giggles and says that I'm kind of cute when I'm overprotective. I don't think that I'm overprotective. I just don't want that she hurts herself. We all run to our sides to work out the strategy.

Zayn puts the game on. The game is even for a while and I I would be blind if I didn't notice how well Y/N plays. I didn't know that she is that good. I do know that she has practiced quite a lot of sport but I didn't know anything about this. "Louis!" I heard someone yelling and I wake up from my thoughts. He is passing the ball to me. I'm just taking the ball in when I see from the corner of my eye that someone is running towards me. Tackle, swing of ponytail and I find myself laying on the grass. "Ooo, what a tackle Y/N!!" Niall laughs. It takes a couple of seconds to gather myself off of the ground. When I stand up I see my girl running towards my team's goal and kicking the ball. I run after her and ask from Liam, who is running near me, did she really tackled me. "Yep" he answers with a grin. I can't believe it. This must be asked from Y/N herself later.

Little over an hour later the game ends 2-2. I'm walking with my beauty back to our car in silence. "Is everything okay, babe?" she asks and gives a kiss on my chin. "Yeah" I reply quickly but continue immediately: "did you really tackle me?". She starts to blush and nod shyly. "Was that a wrong thing to do" "No, of course not, but I just was more amazed that you got me all way down to the ground" I answer and smile a bit. Y/N starts to giggle and I notice that I also laugh. I lift her up in the air, turn in a circle and give her deep and intensive kiss on her lips. God, I love this girl!

1D preferences and imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora