~Getting to know you~

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  SMUT!!! Hi, these are warnings before reading!
TW: Smut, Alcohol

It was odd living with two men, especially streamers. Sapnap and Quackity had moved in with you earlier this year, and while it was only temporary, you would enjoy every second of it. Sapnap was beyond kind, yet flirty, often making some sexual comments here and there, but would stop the moment you expressed discomfort. While quackity was much less mild mannered, he was just as much, if not more respectful. He never made any sexual comments, though sometimes you could catch him staring at you when he thought you weren’t looking.
  Both the boys helped pay rent, lessing the amount you had to pay, which you were grateful for. While the two were streamers, you worked a full time job at a cafe, a job that didn’t pay well. You loved working there, but you didn’t get paid nearly enough to pay the rent you needed to pay, so the boys offered to help. At first you were reluctant, claiming that it could be awkward, or how you could manage if you cut back on food expenses. But they wouldn’t let up, saying how they both had more than enough money to help pay, and how it would be better in the long run if you just let them help you a bit.

  “Hey you wanna come play Jackbox with us for a bit?” Sapnap asked, walking into the kitchen, phone in hand.
  “Are you two streaming?” You asked, setting down your cup of tea.
  “Nah, I’m not streaming today and Quackityalready had his stream, this is just for fun.”
  You thought about it for a moment, then nodded, deciding to play with the two for a bit, it couldn’t hurt right?

  The game had quickly devolved into madness, jokes being thrown left and right, Sapnap making more and more sexual jokes, most of them pointed at you. You had thrown some back, seeing it as nothing more than some good fun, a joke the both of you could make without causing any harm. At least that’s what you thought.
  Quackity was getting more and more upset the more sexual jokes the two of you had made. Unbeknownst to you, Quackity had a large crush on you, having developed the first month he moved in with you. Now Sapnap knew full well that he had feelings for you, and that was part of the reason he flirted with you so much, to piss Quackity off. He knew you didn’t know, and he thought it was funny to watch Quackity squirm as he flirted with you.

  “Damn yo ass is fat. Mind if I get a bite of it?” Sapnap winked, giving a smile.
  You laughed, blush forming as you covered your mouth, unable to give a response.
  Quackity glared at Sapnap as you laughed, which he caught, and gave a sly smirk as if to taunt him to do something. And this time he would do something.

  “Hey Y/n, let’s go grab some drinks. We could turn this into a drinking game.” Quackity suggested, standing up suddenly. Before you could even respond, he had grabbed your hand, pulling you into the kitchen.
  You followed after him, still giggling from Sapnap’s comment. “What drinks should we get? Probably something not that strong right?”
  He nodded, opening up the liquor cabinet, grabbing three bottles, yours, Sapnap’s, and Quackity’s respective favorite alcohol. As he did that, you grabbed the shot glasses, giving them a quick wash with warm water before walking back to the living room with Quackity, who was taking a drink straight out of the bottle, whether it be for nerves, or courage.

  “Got the alcohol?” Sapnap asked, setting up the next game.
  “Yep!” You help up the shot glasses as Quackity set the bottles down.
  Sapnap smiled, then grabbed his shot glass and respective liquor, then took a shot, winking at you afterwards. “Let’s get playing then.”


  By the time Sapnap was done playing, Quackity was drunk off his ass, having lost most of the games while you were a little tipsy, having won most of the games. Quackity was leaning against you, trying to sit up straight and failing.
  “Alright, I’m going to bed.” Sapnap said, stumbling a bit while standing up. “Night.”
  “Mmm, night Sapnap.” You smiled, your cheeks slightly rosey.
  Quackity slurred out a goodnight, leaning against a pillow as you closed the liquor bottles, and stacked the shot glasses, cleaning up before you’d take Quackity to his room with a bottle of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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