PROLOUGE : "rayshift"

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prolouge starts at radiator springs 1 month after the event of cars 2. mcqueen is taking a break after helping charity to victims of disaster. mcqueen is sleeping in sally's home

 mcqueen is sleeping in sally's home

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mcqueen : "huh.. *moans* what time is it... 7:00 in the morning.. perfect.."

《scene change, flo's cafe 》

everyone is in flos cafe. including jeff, lewis and francesco. the three want to visit mcqueen just for fun talks


mater : "do ya'll see the news lately.. axelrod is sentence 20 years in prison !"

sally : "that idiot deserve more time in prison. he almost killed some racers back in WGP"

ramone : "lightning, jeff, lewis, francesco. your lucky that camere blaster thingy doesnt blow your engines up"

mcqueen : "*chuckles* yeah. thanks to mater and your british spy friends"

mater : "thanks mcqueen. if i had'nt met holley and finn. more racers would get killed"

lewis : "atleast thank heavens the racers recovered"

mcqueen : "speaking of recovery... sally.. how'a doc's doing"

sally : "not good. doctors said his inner pipe got worsen. he is still hanging on.. but they said they dont know how long he'll survive"

the atmosphere around the cafe got sad

mcqueen : "pray to light he recovered"

everyone : "amen"

sheriff : "speaking of light.. i just got reports from a few folks passing through near the waterfall. they said they spotted strange lights comin' from somewhere in the trees or the rocks"

mcqueen : "what is it ?"

sheriff : "no idea. the light is unexplainable"

jeff : "do you think it could be aliens ?"

lizzie : "ali-what ?.."

francessco : "hmm.. whatever it is.. its must be something special"

mack : "maybe a magic wishes or somethin like that ?"

everyone got theories on their head. mcqueen got an idea

mcqueen : "how about me and sherif visit the unexplainable light ?"

everybody agreed with this idea.

sally : "yeah i agreed with him"

everyone : "me too"

sheriff : "*chuckles* well son.. lets go for an investigation"

mcqueen : "anyone wanna go with me ?"

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