Chapter 5

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[A/n: I'm sorry for not updating for a while since I was busy doing my thesis. Bummer(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')]

Both Choi Han and Choi Ahn had forgotten one important thing. And because of it, a sharp glare kept piercing behind them as they kept plowing the soil in the redhead's farm.

Choi Ahn's eyes are still puffy from all the crying he made yesterday, but he paid it no mind as he kept working alongside his other self.

'It's unfair' he had thought, because Cale dragged the two of them yesterday to meet the king and whine about his slacker life, resulting to the two to not fix the mess they had made when Choi Ahn first arrived in this world.

Tak. Tak. Tak. Tak. Tak. Tak. Tak.

The smell of sweat and grime conjoined together brings back memories to both Choi Hans. It was also their grandmother that was similar to Cale who kept nagging them to plant the vegetables needed for the kimchi, and both chuckled at that train of thought.

"What are you two laughing at?"

Both flinched and was also reminded how scary their grandmother is to them while looking at Cale.

Raon, On and Hong are eating popcorn Beacrox had made while snickering gleefully to themselves as they watch the two do all the hard work in farming.

Choi Ahn just sighed before working again. He wants to finish as early as possible and rest before going to the emergency meeting Alberu had made for preparation against White Star.


"Young Master Cale, you said that the God of Death in spoke to you?!"

"Yes, and I know what you are thinking Cage-nim. No and I will never become an apostle or I will personally punch him myself." Cale grumbled which earned a snicker from Choi Ahn who is in his left side.

"I'm sorry but who is this young gentleman here?" Duke Fredo asked, pertaining to the one who just snickered.

Everyone looked at Choi Han expectantly. All of the people present in the room can see the resemblance of him and Choi Ahn.


"They're asking who am I." He said as jabbed his other self in his side.

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"I want my dear brother to introduce me to his friends. And besides, they are looking at you not me." 

Choi Han immediately shot a look at his lover for help while Alberu choked a laugh. Rosalyn could see their reaction which made her more intrigued.

People in the room stared continually at the two. The only difference they had noted was Choi Ahn's hair that is dyed brown and his bangs were slicked to the side, showing his forehead and thick eyebrows.

'Human! Choi Han doesn't know how to act!' Raon said in Cale's mind in alarm.

Cale is stoic as usual and was about to say something when Choi Han had already beat him to it.

"This. Is. Choi. Ahn. My. Twin. Brother."




Cale was too late.

Don't get him wrong, Cale really love Choi Han that he agreed to the swordsman's courting and currently is in a relationship. But the red head looked the other way and even raised his hand so that he can't see his lover doing his best to act. He shivered as felt the second embarrassment haunting him.

Choi Ahn's mouth opened then closed and repeat. He wanted to throw a remark at his other self, but there's too many words that are rushing in his mind that he can't choose.

"You know what? I'm not gonna comment at that and shut up for the whole meeting unless I need to talk."

"Please stop joking because I can clearly sense his hair dyed by mana." Eruhaben said in a matter of fact tone.

"Hah, I told you Old Man Eruhaben would notice it."

"Old manㅡ"

Eruhaben immediately shut up as Choi Ahn's original hair color returned to black.

"Hwoly shcwit there's two Choi Hans!" Bud slurred before Glenn put(slammed) his head on the table for him to sleep.

"Haaahh. Good thing we're not acquainted back then." Choi Ahn muttered before continuing, "I'm Choi Han from another world. Total opposite of the one you know."

He started narrating all of his past experiences back in the world he was transmigrated to with an expressionless face and a passive voice.

Choi Ahn had used all of his will to not cry in front of other people(companions who are already dead in his own world). He even told his story on how about he killed the White Star with no World Tree or Gods helping them only to find out that he's a reincarnator.

Gods don't have parallel selves like Choi Han and him, Cage said before. So to Choi Ahn, he felt like a toy who was left alone in a world that became a shit show after being transferred there.

He explained how that world he knew and spent his time there was annihilated or had gone into extinction. He was supposed to be the only one left wandering around in a barren world when the God of Death suddenly decided to throw him into another world again. Thus, him being here.

But along with it was the soul of the White Star following like a pest he is.

Cage hissed as she clutched her head in annoyance before asking for a pen and paper. Taylor had gave her a spare who is just beside the excommunicated priestess.

Choi Han from another world.

Black turned Crimson. 

Solar Eclipse.

World Tree branch full of vitality.

Those were the four things Cage had wrote before sighing because finally, the whiny God had stopped screaming in her mind.

"When is the next eclipse?" Alberu had asked and Rosalyn had answered him.

"In three days time Your Majesty."

Cale clicked his tongue in annoyance before glancing at Choi Ahn for a brief second.

The last time the redhead stabbed the White Twat with the World Tree branch, he simply ceased to exist as his body was turned into dust.

Choi Han from another world means Choi Ahn. Black turned Crimson must mean a part of the swordsman, preferably his hair will turn into red locks like his, signing into the White Star's soul residing in him. And the possession will occur in a Solar Eclipse. In order to kill the other world White Star for good, he needs another branch from the World Tree-nim and stab himself once again.

The others were thinking the same thing as they looked at Choi Ahn with different reactions.

"Haaah, another unlucky bastard."

Choi Ahn just let out a shaky breath before laughing to ease the tension.

Choi Ahn knew, but he couldn't help but lament about it.

So he just laughed like there's nothing wrong and even joke about it. It was his way of coping.

Because in the end, it was always him.

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