Sorority girls (billy lenz)

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Please note that even though Billy describes specific genitalia, the perspective is still from a completely gender neutral perspective. You do not have to have said genitalia, Billy is just a horny pervert. He does not care if you have said genitalia, he is just saying it to say it. Plus, I'm am trying to quote directly from the movie to convey some sort of accuracy.
Whether you are a person with a vagina or not does not matter in this. :)

Perverted murderer in the attic gives me gender euphoria, gender envy and comphet at the same time.

They gently picked up the phone and put it against their ear. No response, just heavy breathing.
"Hello? Are you there?"

"Show me... show me..."

The person calling finally responded but only mumbles and incoherent whispers could be heard. The receiver frowned slightly.
"Show you what? I think you have the wrong number."

"Pretty... so so pretty. Show me.... show me...."


"Show me your pretty little cunt. Please. Pretty cunt, cunt. Pretty. Show me!"

The receiver's eyes widened as they blushed intensely and spluttered in embarrassment. They had never dealt with these types of people before. Perverts.

"Ah sorry! You definitely have the wrong number!"
They quickly hung up and reassured themselves that it was a wrong number, meant for someone, anyone but themself. A private conversation meant to be between lovers but accidentally said to the receiver instead. That was all. Yep.


Over the past week, that same pervert had called at least five times more and each time, the receiver picked it up and ended up flustered.

However, they didn't want to admit it but they almost looked forward to the perverted calls. The receiver had never been complimented properly, let alone talked to like that. It was honestly thrilling for them.

Today, they waited in anticipation for the call. Last night, they stayed awake thinking of the mysterious caller and what the receiver could say back instead of getting flustered. So once the phone rang, the receiver was on it like a hawk and basically tore it up and towards their ear.


"Pretty piggy?" He snorted and squealed like a pig slightly. The receiver took a quick breath as they twirled the phone cord around their finger.

"Hi." Before they could say more, a gasp could be heard on the other end.

"Piggy! Little pretty piggy! I'll stick my tongue up your pretty pussy..."
The caller seemed almost excited to hear the receiver.

The receiver blushed and giggled slightly but continued. "Why do you call here everyday?"


"I want to hear your voice. Your pretty voice. I want you to hear you scream."
His voices levelled out slightly as he begun the sentence, a change in comparison to the panting, squealing voice normally heard. But he levelled back into his perverted pants on the last sentence.

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