0. Prologue

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"Please," Scott begged. "Don't do this...I can change; I promise!"

Although he pretended that he wasn't, I knew he was high again. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Our words bounced off the walls and shattered all the pictures and memories we had together.

"I can't do this anymore," I sobbed. "I can't watch you destroy yourself."

"Fine," he said. His affect changed, no longer remorseful but rancorous. He stepped aside to let me out. "You don't have to anymore. I hate you...just go."

And, so I did. I ran home and hastily packed my bags, desperate to put as much distance between me and Scott. I just kept running and running and running until I didn't know where I was anymore.

"Aislin?" my mother wailed into the phone. "What happened? Where are you? We're worried sick!"

She pleaded with me to come home but I told her no for the first time in my life. She wasn't trying too hard, I knew. I had run away before, but I never made it far and it had been years. I always went back. But not this time...I don't want to be anywhere near him.

My anger resonated in my head over and over and over again like a broken record. I hate you I hate you I hate you... again and again and again until I didn't want anything to do with Scott Arceneaux.

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