The Crash

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I was walking home from school when my Dad texted me saying 'Theres an awards night tonight and your Mum won't be able to come with me because she's working tonight so I want you to go instead'. I replied with 'Sure, I'll be ready by the time your home💯'. When I got home I ran straight for my room and found a nice dress paired it with some high tops, a necklace and earrings.

 When I got home I ran straight for my room and found a nice dress paired it with some high tops, a necklace and earrings

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I put it all on and about 10 minutes later my Dad got home.

"Hey Dad, I'm ready!" I called out to him. "OK, I'll be ready soon!" He replied. About 30 minutes later he was ready and we went to the car, got in and we drove off. Billy called so Dad picked up and they had their conversation. Billy sent Dad some photos and Dad and I looked at them.

We didn't see the car that was coming straight at us. We crashed, Dads hands were crushed and my arms were crushed when the dashboard moved towards us. I saw flashes of a hospital, I was being taken to the E.R., I saw Dad and Mum. Mum was rushing us in to perform an emergency surgery.

I woke up in a hospital bed and looked around the room. Dad was talking with Mum while she sat next to him. "Stephen, no-one could've done better" Mum said to Dad. "I COULD'VE DONE BETTER!" Dad yelled back at Mum.

"Mum?" I said weakly to let her know that I was awake. "Y/n, your awake, how are you feeling?" Mum asked me as she turned to me. "What happened?" I asked. "You and your Dad got in a... car accident." She replied hesitantly. "Am I OK, is Dad OK?" I asked shakily. "You and your Dad are OK we did everything we could. No-one could have done a better j-" She was cut off.

"I COULD HAVE DONE A BETTER JOB CHRISTINE, I COULD'VE!" Dad yelled. "I hope you feel better sweety." Mum said as she kissed my forehead then walked out of the room. I looked at my arms and saw a bunch of pins sticking out of my arms.

For weeks Dad retrained his hands and I retrained my arms. It was a rainy day when I heard Mum get home after Dad yelled and threw his stuff on the ground. I got up and started walking to the door to greet Mum but before I turned the corner I heard Mum and Dad fighting. "There are other things that can give your life meaning, Stephen" Mum said.

"Like what? Like YOU?" He replied. "This is the part where you apologise." She replied. "This is the part where you leave" He said unhesitantly. She left and I walked around the corner with tears falling down my face and I asked "Are you and Mum getting a divorce?", he didn't respond. "DAD! ARE YOU AND MUM GETTING A DIVORCE!?" I yelled with tears streaming down my face."I don't know, maybe" He said as he walked away.

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