The Restaurant

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a/n: this is going to be a really short chapter honestly but it will be longer than the first chapter.

TW: yelling, cursing, hitting, past trauma


                                    Grogu's POV: There i saw him Mr.Mann he was with his wife and i hated that he was married to an ugly hag. I knew i was only 5, and he was like, what maybe 30, but i just couldn't help myself. He was so hot. I don't know if i made this clear before but i have a big, big, big, big, big, big crush on him. From his body to his personality, he was just so perfect. I knew that there was nothing greater than him. I wish he would notice me, but he probably forgot what i looked like, even though i am fricking green and as short as your boyfriend's penis. 

                                Anyways all through dinner i couldn't stop staring at him. I really hoped he didn't notice the fact that i was staring. when it was time to order i was completely zoned out, and my grandparents snapped at me. (mainly my grandma).  


"mom" my mom sighed "please sit down you are making a scene"

           OH I"M NOT MAKING A SCENE YOU JUST WAIT BITCH!" my grandma said in a very sassy tone. People we staring at us now. my grandma started trowing silverware and breaking plates. "THIS ISN'T EVEN MY WORST!"

"MOM PLEASE STOP!" my mom was yelling now. I knew that she was mad because she never yelled unless really mad or really frustrated. She didn't even yell when she was mad.

"ASSHOLE YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS BY DATING THAT CRUSTY MAN WHO IS NOW DEAD! I THINK HE IS BETTER DEAD!" my grandma was yelling. by now the whole restaurant was moved to a different room. 

MOM PLEASE JU- JUST SHUT UP" my mom said. It really hurt to see her like this honestly. I'm so used to her being to happy all the time i never really got to see her sad or mad side.

Grogu's mom's POV: Ugh  really hated my mom she makes me wanna die. even sience i was little she never cared for me. All she did was yell at me and hit me. The only one who really cared about me was my hamster, Caillou, and my dad. They were the ones who were there for me when i was sad. 

            The reason why my dad never divorced my mom was because he knew she would find a way to sue him and that would lead to use going broke, but now that i think about it i would rather be on the streets than living with my mom. You may be wondering now, why i would even go to dinner with her if she was a bitch, well the reason for that is, we live with her, and she forces us to go.

                          I feel like my mom would be more mad if we didn't go than if we did. I hated her really. i finally had enough and i wasn't going to put up with this anymore.


"FINE BY ME THAT JUST MEANS TWO LESS PEOPLE TO PLAY FOR. ANYWAYS I NEVER REALLY WANTED YOU AS MY KID. I JUST HAD TO DEAL WITH YOU BECAUSE I KNEW MY HUSBAND LOVED YOU, AND HES THE ONE WITH THE MONEY." My mom yelled even louder. For an old woman she could yell pretty loud. Honestly with all the yelling she does i'm surprised that she hasn't lost her voice yet.

"SPEAKING OF MONEY WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW. YOU DON"T HAVE MONEY TO PLAY FOR ANYTHING!" she yelled but i bit less loud as last time. i was really crying at this point, and its not like my mom would care. With that i grabbed my son and pulled him out of the restaurant. i felt bad for him and for me.

Grogu's POV: My mom have quickly grabbed me hand a brought me outside "I'm so sorry hun, i wish you had a better life" my mom said in a sad tone. just then i heard the door to the restaurant open. 

                    "I thought i saw you in there. this must be your mom, hi i'm Mr.Mann your sons teacher." OH MY LORDY LORD!!! Mr.Mann saw all of that. he soon realized that i was crying and he started to comfort me. i felt so happy in his arms but also really nervous. "i just want to tell you Grogu, i went through the same thing when i was younger, my grandparents would always yell at me and my mom," Mr.Mann said in a comforting tone. " and to you Mrs.Martin i am very sorry that you had to go through that".

       Just then my grandma came running out and started beating me with a broom she found in the restaurant. "YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU JUST GOT ME BANNED FROM MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT I HATE YOU SO MUCH! WHEN YOU GET HOME I AM GOING TO BEAT YOU EVEN MORE!" my grandma was still beating me with the broom. The restaurant owners and employees didn't even bother to try and get the broom back from my grandma.

"Do you wanna go to our house for the next few nights Grogu?" Mr.Mann asked "i think me an my wife, laura, would be willing to let you stay" Laura nodded kindly. Wait was i really actually going to spend the next couple of nights with my crush. I was still crying right now, but they had turned into happy tears. i was so excited, but not only because i was spending time with my crush, but also because i would be away from my grandparents.

                "why don't i just get your mothers phone number, and i can text her our address." Mr.Mann said very softly. "okay he it is *insert random phone number here*" my mom replied. 

"okay thanks" Mr.Mann said "Again i am really sorry for what just happened I hope you have a better time at our house. Also if you get a little confused just know to follow the while Tesla over there, here let me text you my licence plate number." Mr.Mann said. I heard my moms phone ding and i assumed it was Mr.Mann. I was right, i wished she would talk to other people though because i really want a second parent.

                  Me and my mom got into the car and started driving, when we got there we were shocked at how big the house was.


word count: 1179 

a/n sorry for the short chapter i will try and make longer ones in the future. Also any request for upcoming stories? I already have a Barney x Shrek x Dora the Explorer. So if you do have one in mind i will take it into consideration. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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