Bring it back

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As I run across the landscape. Through the landfill on the mortal side. The humans waste soo much. I feel like bringing things back. I want to save their weird technology they use. I have played around with their security cameras. Making me dissappear from their screens. Back in the original realm this would be banned the technology. I hear the footsteps of Tommy. Along with a groan and yelp.

"Kay, wait up" he calls to me through the wind. I pause as he gasps for breath.

"You should of kept up" I grin at him. He tries to register my face. Working out what I mean. I pull him in for giving a side hug.

This is way better than being in school. The amount of freedom. Tommy wants to go back before anyone sees us. But it's dark and I want to see if this potion works. Tommy has tagged along with me. I'm his best friend. He struggles with making friends.

He looks over at a collection of tech. "Are we going to revive all of it?" His eyes widen looking at it.

"Maybe" I answer as I carry on walking. Absolutely not but he doesn't know that. I see him stimming. I reach out and hold his hand, his cheeks are a bit red but that might be the cold.

"Kay, after we revive one thing can we go?" Looking down. "I'm worried my mum will notice I'm missing".

I squeeze his hand and nod. I see and old games console. I know it is one, I was shown it once when I came from the original realm to the mortal side. It was on a trip. I run and grab it. I thumble to find the potion. 

"What's that?" Tommy looking at me. He must of not seen one so explain it to him. He nods to what I'm saying in interest.

I pour the liquid on it, but not all of it. I see the liquid glow over it. It slowly lifts up then falls gently falls back down. Of course I now need a plug and a TV to see if it works. Tommy looks at me then back then back to me.

"We have to sneak into that office over there" Pointing to a place I didn't see. We climb down the hill of rubbish. Trying not to trip into a washing machine or something. It was more easy getting up. You foot wouldn't vanish. I run into the office.

"Its unlocked" as Tommy comes up behind me. The door opens and I feel a rush. I don't believe it. Theses things are always locked.

"Do they not shut things here?" Asking about why it is open, I shrug. The room looked like any office, paper everywhere. An old photo copier in the background. I have seen a few offices now. And it does show that they haven't updated things. It's a chunky look. I look for the game console, I then go and get the potion out.

It glows in its glass jar, a lime sort of colour I guess. The thick substance struggled to get out, then popped out.

"There" as I looked at Tommy who was confused.

Later that night I tried to work the game console. And it lit the room up. I was proud of myself working it. We manged to find a disc to put in. Then i teach Tommy how to game. He wasn't good at first but soon picked it up.

I watch as a man walks into the office. Tommy moves a bit. The light turns on and I know his seen the console.

I smile.

We carry on knowing that my potion works. I check my bag to make sure that I have everything in it. I look at the red shoulder bag.

"That was kind of you" Tommy chuckles. He learns in for a hug and I accept it. His a bit taller than me.

"I know it, thought it would be a nice surprise for them" I smile.

"We need to go and do more and save the mortals from wasting stuff" Tommy now using his new knowledge of the mortal side.

"We could give it to their community centers. I heard that they have these things. There are soo many ways we could do with this potion" I cried. I heard about them from my parents. The mortals like doing this sort of thing.

Over the next few weeks we start making a plan, we are going to revive a lot of technology. It will be great. We can't let the original realm or the creation know about this. We don't want to get in to trouble. Now every evening we sneak out and go over to the mortal realm. Slowly we mange to revive soo many stuff. We took it to the mortal nursing homes so they could game, to youth centers so their was lots they could do. It was great doing that as they are young as me. They youth centers had plenty of technology to help. We revive old kitchen appliances and donated to the charity shops.

"This feels great I'm learning soo much about them" Tommy chirped, his hair slightly moving as he said it. He has, a young teen learning about the mortal relam. I guess he feels lucky a sense of freedom to what he is use to

"I'm glad you do" I reply as his cheeks lift. The air in the night hit us. And I know we will have to go back. "We will have to go soon don't want to be late" I tell him. He nods an we head back.

Our eyes feel tierd as enter the original realm. Glad we are back. The mortals gave us odd looks running around. We have made sure there is technology for a lot of people who need it. I learnt a lot. They can be more connected to the world now. And I feel like I learnt a lot. As we wave good bye, I then can't wait to get in to bed, and snuggle up. I know he feels the same. I know he will need to wind down too.

Now I enter my room. I'm tired.

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