Chapter Three

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Ezarah's POV:

     The blisters on my feet have already started forming from my jog to Versara's Castle, and I have yet to even begin my night. The castle was enormous, so high up that I'm sure you could taste clouds on the top tower. Reaching the huge double doors, it took all my might to push them open and I let my heels drag their way through the grand foyer. Those same thick marble doors ended up slamming behind me while I walked down the empty corridor, sending chills down my spine as I was faced with everyone and their fucking mother in the Ballroom. Profanities spilled through my lips as everyone was blatantly staring at me.

I was scolded by the Queen fora few moments of since my ignorant sister decided to tell my mother she couldn't find me; I bet she didn't even look. The Queen graciously let us move onto dinner.
The dining room had flooded with hungry guests as they scrambled to find their designated seats, my family sitting towards the middle while the Royals were all at the end. My mind kept recalling all the eyes on me, an eerie feeling in the room had given me shivers as I was inspected by all the villagers. I scoped out the people seated around the large oak table, seeing all the different women accompanied in bright colored gowns. Mine all of a sudden felt murky compared to the rest. I didn't notice the butlers plating everyone's food until they were basically done; various assortments of vegetables and meats, sides that I never knew existed nor the name. The meat on my plate smelled of freshly crisped garlic and basil causing drool to build up in my mouth. I loaded up my fancy fork and went for the kill , forgetting I was at the King and Queens manor and not at home in my small cozy kitchen. Once realization hits I allow my eyes to wander the room to make sure everyone else is also chowing down, and some were. Others were in vast conversations around the table, none of which peaked my interest. I was here soley for the food, and of course because it was mandatory.                                                                                          ... A honeycomb colored pair of orbs pull me out of my own head, those same eyes pinning me to my seat. All too startled while mid swallow, my drool mixed with chunks of meat got lodged into my throat and a dreadful sense of 'why now?' overcame me. My eyes attached to the honeycomb look alike who was sitting to his left, watching me gargle on my food as if I was explicitly putting on a show just for him. The glint in his eye made the feeling of no air almost enjoyable, or maybe the lack of air supply was making me hallucinate. Out of no where my idiotic sister started hammering down on my back, causing my gasps to worsen, the fancy food stuck in my throat still wont move an inch. I can feel my eyes tear and throat burning, aching to be cleared or else I risk embarrassing myself further. My hands find a glass and I chug as much as I can, choking more at first but finally gulping down the good ole garlicky chunk of red meat. As my thoughts were stuck on how worth it, it was to almost die via rich bitch; I had masked royals staring me down. The intensity makes me feel as if I did something wrong... deep down my gut says otherwise.

It was a while before everyone was done eating and drinking until they were mannerless, not even sparing a well deserved 'thank you' to the butlers and maids. I piled some pates and stacked cups but was smacked on the arm by Amara, saying something along the lines of: "That's for the poor," as if we aren't.  The third masked boy eyed me cautiously after being scolded for the 100th time tonight but I shook it off, not needing any more judgment for the evening. Desserts were carried out on long silver trays, tons of mini cakes and fruits drizzled with various different colored chocolates. I didnt bother with conversation as I dug in to the new treats I've never heard of. I heard a commotion across the table when a weird sensation formed down below. The feeling was indescribable, something I'd try to do with my fingers but could never get to such a pace. It was nothing I had ever experienced, right away my cheeks burned while my eyes desperately searched around the room for some type of answer. I was trying my hardest to manage this phenomenon without letting anyone catch on, two specific masked men were eyeing me down as the vibrations became more rapid and my body was not able to take this new euphoric feeling in quietly. The tremor in my thighs quickened as if my body was telling me it needed something; when a sudden pulse hit me more aggressively than before. My insides throbbed and my spoon was no longer in my grasp as I rushed to stand and exit the room any way possible, but my trembling legs wouldn't allow it. My pussy quivered for the first time and my arms try their hardest not to give in as they hold me up from the table. One of the masked men stood with me and I couldn't help but gasp when we locked eyes yet again, but vibrations became ferocious and I couldnt stop my orbs from rolling to the back of my head. I finally let myself indulge and my palms immediately slipped, my entire body crashed onto the floor, since I was so weakened from the attack I helplessly failed to defend. The ache from the fall instilled whole new world of pain and pleasure, throwing my body into a frenzy. The shock forced my insides to clench; stars could be seen in the distance as some sort of release drained from my soul. Whimpers escaped my lips from the pleasure I had succumbed to, but of course everybody else just thinks it's from the horribly awkward fall, or so I hope. My mother was in my face right away, coddling me and yelling foolish nonsense to the room.

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