Chapter 3

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In all my life I would have never thought I would have to do paper work when creating the horde. But i supposed there is a need of having an idea written on paper to keep your mind in check. 

The quill scribbles along the paper causing it to be the only sound in the quiet room besides the wind howling outside. I sighed and arched by back, popping the bones in my spine before standing up and rolling the parchment up and placing it in the drawer of my desk. 

I walked to the balcony of my shop and sat down, laying against the cool stone and closing my eyes letting the nature around me calm my nerves and cool my body. I hummed a small tune and stared up at the blue sky, watching as birds flew by without a care in the world. I wonder how it felt to have wings and soar among them without worrying of people below. 

"I hope you do not plan to stare at the sun" Isaac monotone voice pulled me from my gaze as i glanced at his form by the door. "apologizes for coming in but you did not answer to door" he spoke walking closer. I smiled and waved a hand "it's fine, I guess my head was up in the clouds today" 

Isaac carefully sat down beside me on his knees. "you have been busy I see" he said, looking over at the pile of metal and bodies i had lying around. I could only nod "somedays are harder than some but that just means that we're getting closer to the mass extinction of Humans" I said, looking out into the vast trees.

"what do you want to do once we have the world to ourselves?" Isaac spoke after a view moments of silence. I hummed in thought before picking at my nails 

"to be honest, I'm scared to be on my own once again. I enjoy the company you all bring and even the noise. I'm not sure what I'll do with the silence" I smiled sheepishly and gave a closed eye grin to the male. 

Isaac chuckled before standing up "come, a meeting is to begin soon" he spoke and held a hand, helping me up and making his way out of the room with myself in tow.

Isaac and I made it into the war room just in time to hear the argument of taking Arges and Brailia. I stopped beside Dracula's thrown and sent a small smile and a small bow as another thank you for my uniform. I received a tired smile in return. 

Isaac and I made our way down the steps as our Lord spoke of running water being a place that we should be careful of. 

"running water? I've never heard of something like that being an obstacles for vampires" I spoke, glancing at Dracula then to Godbrand "Death by running water hasn't happened in many centuries" he spoke. 

"why not?" Hector asked. I thought for a moment "well, I suppose it would have to do with moving into the middle of countries" I said. "bingo" Godbrand pointed at me. "but i thought you couldn't cross running water?"

"I've been on boats, I've had baths" Godbrand stated matter-of-factly. I scoffed with a smirk "since when"

"bath's aren't running water, are they?" Hector said, before Godbrand could open his mouth. "course they are" he spoke. 

"What? no they aren't. how can baths be running water? Your just sitting in a water, the water stopped pouring when you get in" I said, raising a brow.

"the Greeks used to bury us on small islands, because the graves would be surrounded by running water" Carmilla spoke. Soon the topic changed to what we should over take in our course of action. 

"Arges is an old, Respected town" Isaac said. "I must Disagree with my fellow forge master" Hector began "Taking Argres brings only terror and will scatter the human population. Taking Brailia seals off the one side of Wallachia" he said. Dracula raised a brow "interesting Hector, What do you think (Y/n)" he asked, giving me a glance.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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