Sound Thoughts

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Survival of the fittest, a phrase used throughout the centuries. Never faulty, never reserved. Direct yet intricate. Believing in the impossible, when certain things are inevitable.

The goal of this writing, is to express a creative project that I am passionate about. Recovery from some of life's most famous traumas; mental, emotional and physical. Currently I am in the process of creating a website designed for people who have and/or are currently struggling with traumatic events that have happened and/or are currently happening around the world. Whether it be in their life or someone they know. In the end, trauma affects us directly and as a result, leaves muddy, insidious footprints on our hearts. Always leaving scars, when though in fact, the scars that bind us with our trauma and with each other, also leave behind a foothold to brighter future.

Building something, like a website when there so many resources already out there for people who struggle with addiction, sexual assault, abusive relationship's, is a big leap, understandable, because I have to think, "what can I offer that is different than everything else that is already out there?", "what can I bring to the table?" For me, because this is something personal, something that I am passionate about, I feel that creating this and sharing my stories of some of my hardest times, and how I got myself though with the help of family and friends, I can show people that it is okay to be vulnerable, to have humility, even when it feels the most daunting task. A voice that people can relate to, can open up to and hopefully come to see that we are all human. We all have battles wounds, some imbedded so deep in our cores, some maybe just above the surface of our subconscious. In the end, I want to build a community for, a safe haven for people who feel lost, feel overpowered by a single thought of, "will it get better?". Answer is yes. A simple, "it is going to be okay", "I'm here for you" or "I understand." Those are some of the few things that you can say to show and remind the ones you love, maybe even people who are strangers to you, its in those few simple phrases, where an spark of hope enters the mind and will carry on forever. Going deeper into that though, it is so much more complex, its a web of doubt, of shame, of "what ifs", but most deeply rooted in all our minds, is the most human thing of all, why we say and act of the norm, why people do things to hurt others. Fear. Fear is the devil that plays games and makes us do things that we never thought we could or would do. Fear can turn some of the most wholesome people into someone we don't recognize. It turns people who already admit they have a dark side. What we do with that fear, how we act on it though, can change a person in the blink of an eye though, to someone we sometimes barley recognize.

So in creating this website, I not only want to post blogs in writing, but expand into video blogs where people can comment, chat, ask questions. Speak openly and without condemnation. Create online program's, whether it be online coaching from trusted people and resources, a community project to bring people together on zoom or an in-person get together. Fitness and health, brain and body wise, because things like getting active and meditation are a big part, for me personally, helping rewire the brain and finding a sense of new peace and calm thoughts. One step at a time. Online course and much more. Creating a special outreach for specific things, each individual struggles with. It may be rooted trauma from when we were little that we can't fully comprehend, but learn about and teach us why we are who we are today; actions we have taken and may take in future. Two roads, two wolves.

I'm very excited for this project and to see the impact it has. I hope that in doing this, I and whoever takes part, we can make the world better for many others.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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