Chapter 4 *❃The Traveling Drama Troupe Murder Case Part I ❃*

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Aurora's POV

"Thank you for babysiting my devils, Murasaki-chan. Right now, they just look like pure angels~ What's your method?" A tan girl beauty wondered, showing me the twins sleeping peacefully while I fix my bag before I go.

"Oh nothing. Just hanging them up-side-down in your backyard tree as punishment when they almost break the kitchen plates..." I reminded in sarcasm. Her face went blank in the funniest way before I chuckle.

"Eh? Did you actually do that?!"

"Kidding! But I don't mind if they behave. Besides, that was just a joke. They were listening to me play the violin when they got bored, which they end up sleeping for the whole day..." I explain proudly as she lead me to the door. "Really? That's unexpected. The twins never fell asleep when I play the piano. Your hands must be magical then!"

"Oh don't flatter me, Aimina-san. I have a very good teacher younger than me back in the day..." I mention, a bit low. "He must be professional then! But I was wondering... shouldn't you be in school with Akari-chan? I gave my excuse letter that I'll be competing in the volleyball tournament at Kyoto and I'm bringing the twins with me..."

"I'm thinking about it. I did stop at 8th grade... Also, do you possibly know some people that used-to-be my classmates that needs babysitting? I'll be most certain to volunteer" I offer, but she only wave it off and said, "Hmm... A new tranfer student from Ran-chan's school if I recall. His name is Itou Tamanosuke and he has a little sister name Megumi. He brings her to school everyday since no one's available to look after her. You can go pay him a visit if you want. He'll be performing at this location!"

"Will do. Thanks, Aimina-san!" I finished before waving my hand at her as I leave.


On the way, I met Akari. I told her about my next babysitting job and she decided to fill in for her 'confidential' reason. "You sure you're free? Don't you have some plans with your man?" I teased before her face went flush. "I-It's not like that! I just want to watch Tamanosuke-kun practice today. I remember telling him to not overwork, but he might not listen since he wants this show to be a success, so I'll be watching him just in case..." she muttered in embarrassment before my mouth went 'o', interested.

"Oh, what is this? Did the famous Aka-chan ditch his man just to watch the new transfer?~" I teased before her cheeks went bright red. "U-Urusai! I'm just w-worried. Knowing him in elementary before he left, he has a weak immune system like Coral-kun and I often w-watch over him if my gut have to. No offense for ya kid. Besides, I don't wanna handle a demon sister-in-law!" She added before I started laughing.

"None taken. But come on, you have to stop getting flustered over small things if you don't want your boyfriend to get jealous. Being a popstar's girlfriend, you should be prepared just in case some crazy fangirls and stalkers ran over you!" I joke before we reach our location.

"I'll probably ran over them first before they get the chance. No one's taking my Keiji away from me" She sassed. I keep laughing at her remarks while opening the door for us.

"Just watch over Itou-san without going overboard. Your boyfriend might seem to be a cold-shoulder type of a guy, but he's a softie..." I remind her before she noted it proudly and swear that she'll make him show his soft side one day.

"Tamano-kun! I'm here! And I brought a friend with me!" Akari yelled once we enter before a dark black hair boy peek his head from the curtains. "Sana-chan! Glad you made it!" he said in relief, using the softest tone I ever possibly hear. But Coral-kun's still sounds more magical.

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