insomnia - injury

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(Error x Dream)

Written: Oct. 10, 2021

Revised Oct. 30, 2023


Dream hadn't seen Error for a week. A whole seven days. This was very long for them to be apart since they became friends. Even longer since they became lovers.

The guardian paced the living room of Error's small home, trying to keep herself calm. "It's not like him to just...up and leave like this..." Dream mumbled, her pace stopping abruptly. "Unless...something happened-?"

Her thoughts were cut off by a loud thud in the kitchen, followed by a few grunts and groans of what sounded like pain.

Dream sprinted down the hallway to inspect the issue, hoping it was Error but at the same time wishing it wasn't. She caught herself in the doorway of the kitchen, a gasp escaping her mouth as her eyes widened at the sight.

The God of Destruction sat on the kitchen floor in a corner between two cabinets, the top bone of his left leg snapped clean in half, blackish blood tricking at a steady pace from it. He winced as he tried to get up, clearly not seeing Dream yet. But then, his head turned, and he saw Dream walking over quietly and slowly, observing all the cuts and cracks on his bones and body.

Isn't it a good thing I brushed up on my healing magic this morning? Was a thought Dream had.


The glitch's attention snapped up, meeting Dream's concerned golden eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but found no words as his attention turned to his broken leg. He winced at the sight, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Error what happened to y-?"

"Just help me up," Error said stiffly, holding up his sleeve-covered hand. Dream hesitated, though took the other's hand and helped him up as carefully as she could. He stood on his good leg, his skull scanning the room for something to sit on. Dream reached out and pulled up a chair, motioning to it with her eyes, and Error sat down with a wince.

"Error what happened? You were gone for so long and -and now this, you-"

"I fell down a cliff."

"I beg your pardon-?"

"I was in Outertale, minding my own business, when a rock hit my foot and I tripped, fell down a hill, which eventually became a cliff. On top of that, I was out of energy, which was fantastic, so I had to wait until it refueled enough to teleport straight here. That a good enough answer for you?" Error's mismatched eyes never left the tiled floor, his voice glitching less then it usually did. He was oddly calm.

"Error I'm not an idiot," Dream stated gently, leaning forward, and placing her hands on the arms of the chair, trapping Error from getting out. His cheeks dusted a bit blue as he leaned back into the chair, creating a bit of distance between them.

"Yeah...I know," he mumbled, stealing a quick glance at the guardian in front of him.

"May I ask again, what happened?" Dream raised a brow, her accent extenuating the question. Error grinned stupidly, a small chuckle escaping him. Dream looked confused. "What's so funny-?"

"I can't take you seriously with that accent-"


"Sorry it's just funny. You don't pronounce half the vowels in the wor-"

"Error, answer the question!" Dream snapped. Her face flushed a bright gold as Error continued to snicker. The other rolled his head to the side, now facing Dream at a tilt, a confident smile still on his face.

"I did. I fell off a cliff."

"How gullible do you think I am?! That's not it, and you and I both know it!" Dream said, her voice rising a bit. She turned her head, took a deep breath, and placed her curled phalange under Error's chin. "Please, Ruru, I care about you. I just want to know who caused this, and I doubt you did it to yourself so don't say that again."

"I don't see why you need to know so bad. I thought you'd be patching me up by now, but I guess knowing what caused it is so much more important."

Dream sighed. She removed her finger from the other's chin in defeat. However, she let out a small squeak as a string of black goop stuck and stretched around her fingertip from Error's chin. The glitch's eyes also widened, visible panic suffocating him as Dream tried to flick the stuff off.

"Is -is this Nightmare's-?!"

"No! No it's not Nightmare's! I-it's uh-uhm..." Error trailed off as his hands clutched onto his own scarf, watching in panic as Dream wiped off the sticky substance.

Error felt his head becoming lighter, his vision blurring as a pounding resounded in his skull, a pain shooting up his neck. He coughed, a trickle of black seeping out and dripping onto his clothes. Dream's eyes widened, a sharp gasp escaping her.

"Error- what- are you ok? What's- what's going on?! Error! ERROR-!"

His vision blurred, and he vaguely felt himself falling before he could stop it.


The sound of a diffuser hummed in the air, the sweet smell invading Error's senses as he came back to consciousness. His eyes flitted open, though quickly closed when he was hit with the light bright light. He heard a calm, angelic voice singing nearby as he felt a slight pressure being applied to his chest.

"...Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? ...Will you still love me when I have nothing but my aching soul?"

He knew this song all too well. It was Dream's favorite - though she tried to refrain from singing or listening to it around him because she thought it made her sound "doubtful" of his love or something. Not that he cared about that part. 

"...'Course I will...heh..." Error chuckled weakly, his eyes opening to see Dream sitting beside him. The guardian's smile was faint, though her face was strained in pain as her hands remained hovering over Error's middle.

"A-and the you..." Dream murmured back, her hands shaking as she pulled them away. The green iridescent light faded from sight as Dream's eyes skimmed the other's body, then looked back to meet Error's eyes. "Does anything hurt...?"

Error shook his head as best he could, his body still a bit achy. His hand reached up to touch his skull, though Dream quickly grabbed his sleeve to stop him. Error gave the other a quizzical look. "You're still not...completely solid, yet. Give your body some time to realize it's not in critical danger anymore," Dream said softly, moving to sit by Error's side. He nodded slowly.

"So... did ya figure it out yet?" Error asked through the silence. Dream let out a shaky sigh, then nodded, resting her head against the headboard of the bed they sat in.

" tried to save you, though ended up...melting you instead," Dream said slowly, her eyes sliding to the side to check if she was right. Error nodded, pulling the blanket around himself tighter. "Thank the stars you were able to get back before know..."

"Yeah..." Error mumbled. "Damn past needs to leave me alone..."

"Swear jar, Ruru," Dream said tiredly, a smile spreading across her mouth. Error rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I'm gonna be broke by end of the week if you keep telling me 'SwEaR jAr, RuRu!'" His mock British accent made Dream fall into a fit laughter, which led to Error also laughing.

"We'll see if you do then."


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