Chapter 8 [Edited]

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Just a warning to all those sensitive to mentions of blood and gore.

If you're uncomfortable then please leave or skip the chapter!

And if you don't mind then you may proceed with caution...



I walk through the thick forest, looking for my new friend, the pretty wolf.

Blue was really upset about me tackling him and getting us into trouble, so I thought that it would be nice to say sorry.

Blue told me that it was nice to say sorry when you were wrong or did bad things and I wanted to be nice, so that the pretty wolf would be my friend!

As much as I liked being bad I knew that it wouldn't get me any friends.

That's why I'm here.

At night.

In the middle of the woods.

I don't know why, but my wolf, Zero, told me that we should leave tonight and say sorry to the pretty wolf.

I always listened to Zero, because he was always right. He was also really quiet most of the time, but I think that's because he misses mommy and daddy.

I didn't miss them though, I had Blue and Autumn and David and Brandon!

Jake was okay too.

I kept walking with Zero giving me different directions. We reach a clearing (oh, and if you don't know what a clearing is it's where there's less trees in a place! Autumn taught me that).

I heard sharp growls and light chuckles just before the pretty wolf is thrown out into the clearing, and a chubby girl follows. She had black hair, brown eyes and a bad look in her on her face.

She definitely didn't like the pretty wolf.

Zero growled, since he liked the pretty wolf a lot.

I watched the girl hit the pretty wolf and before I could think, I was attacking her.

I had shifted and jumped onto her body and caught her off guard, before she could think of saving herself, I sunk my teeth into her shoulder and clawed at her forearm.

He screams didn't stop my attacks or Zero's anger.



Ever since that day in the crystalized forest, I couldn't get him out of my mind.

His beautiful body, his delicious ass and that annoyed expression on his face made for some amazing fantasies.

But I can't let my lust get the best of me.

If I were to mark him or expand our relationship further than this, the results would be catastrophic.

I didn't want to have someone fall for me just to leave them in the long run.

I sat on my windowsill with the window open just a crack. The cold breeze did nothing to ease my mind or calm my longing heart.

I rest my head on the cold window, as the soft breeze tickles my bare torso.

Just as I find myself falling into a light sleep on the large windowsill, a shrill cry startled me out of it.

It sounded pain stricken and immediately made me perk up. I also heard the distant whimpering of a small pup, which beckoned me to help them.

One selfish thought circled through my mind.

If I helped them, Alpha Landon would definitely let us stay.

I jumped out of the windowsill and landed on all fours.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to shift, otherwise my run there would've been way quicker than this.

Actually, I would've been flying instead of running.

I make it through the first layer of trees and try to pick up speed, I use the screams to track whoever needs my help and soon I'm faced with a terrifying sight.

My pup biting into the flesh of a Crystal Moon Pack member.

I ran towards their rolling bodies and was about to pull Oliver off of the poor girl when a dominant voice echoed through the shallow breeze.

"Get off!"


Oliver released the poor girl and ran to my side. The girl ran to Landon and cowered behind him.

"What is going on here?" He growled more than asked.

I looked at Oliver, who was still clutching onto my pants and staring into the forest, while listening in on whatever lies she was feeding Landon.

How did I know that she was lying exactly?

Because I knew my boy, he might be a troublemaker, but he wouldn't purposefully hurt someone without a reason.

"I-i was just wandering through our side of the woods, patrolling the area a-and then that- that beast lunged at me! I tried to protect myself, but I couldn't hurt an innocent pup-"

"LIAR!" My own enraged voice sounded through the air, surprising even me.

"She's lying..." I spoke to Landon in a calm voice, which was hard to do in this situation, I was gritting my teeth and I could feel my eyes burn, but I knew that they wouldn't glow.

"How are you able to prove this, Jay!?" He seethes through his teeth, just as he's about to speak again, the smell of blood wafted through the air, so strong that I could taste the metallic liquid on my tongue.

I knew that it wasn't this she wolf nor was it Oliver.

"Pretty wolf!" Oliver practically sobbed, before taking off into the bushes for a few seconds.

He returns with a large, but limp being in his arms, it looked like a wolf about the size of him, but it was lifeless.

Oliver finally brought the wolf like figure into the cover of the moonlight and I finally understood why the smell of blood was so strong in this area.

The wolf pup looked dead.

It had claw marks running down its sides, it's poor paws were twisted and broken, it's muzzle was snapped shut with a strong piece of string that cut into it's face.

It looked mangled...dead.

I looked at Landon, who was as pale as a sheet of paper. He looked like he was about to pass out.




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