Loyal, Brave, and True

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Y/n sat on a bench in her backyard sadly, stroking her hair as the apple blossoms bloomed on the trees.

Finding her after a bit of a search, F/n sat next to her, looking up at the trees, setting the cane aside that he used after his last battle against the Huns.

"My, my. What beautiful blossoms we have this year." He pointed at one that was still closed up. "But look. This one's late. I bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all."

She turned to him and smiled sadly. Beautiful...what a beautiful word that she had hoped herself to be for her family's sake.

Their moment was cut short when a horse came galloping into the town square, drums banging.

"What is it?" Y/n asked.

Disregarding her, F/n got up to see what was going on. Y/n tried to follow, but her mother stopped her.

"Y/n, stay inside." She followed her husband out.

Noticing that this had frustrated her, G/n discreetly pointed over the roof for her to climb. She nodded her thanks and began to climb.

"Mother told you not to go out," a voice from behind her said. It was S/n.

"But don't you want to know what's going on?"

She sighed. "Of course I do. But we shouldn't disobey."

Y/n raised her eyebrows. "How else would you like to find out? They'll never tell us."

She opened her mouth to protest again, realized she was right, and climbed over with her sister.

"You owe me," she growled, making Y/n giggle.


A man with a pencil thin mustache and scornful eyes came riding up. He stopped his horse and turned his attention to the people.

"Citizens! I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City! The Huns have invaded China!"

Everyone gasped in terror. They all knew about their northern enemies.

"By order of the emperor, one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army." He pulled out a scroll and began to read names off. "The Hsiao family!"

The father walked up and grabbed the scroll from him.

"The Yi family!"

The father in that family was now elderly. With a great deal of courage and love for the man who raised him, his son spoke up. "I will serve the Emperor in my father's place," he said and took the scroll from him.

"The L/n family."

"No!" Y/n reached out towards her father as he stepped up, S/n shrinking back in horror with her hand over her mouth.

"I am F/n L/n and I am ready to serve the emperor. I served the Imperial Army in the last battle against the Northern Invaders," F/n said, standing tall.

"Have you no son old enough to fight?"

He shook his head. "I am blessed with two daughters. I will fight."

He reached out, but fell to his knees.

Y/n tried to run to him, but M/n caught her by the arm. "No. You'll only humiliate him further."

She broke free, ignoring her, and ran to get in between the two of them. "Father, you can't go!"

"Y/n!" he cried in surprise.

She begged desperately with the man. "Please, sir, my father has already fought for..."

"Silence!" He held up his hand, glaring sharply at whom he deemed to be a little girl. "You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in the presence of a man," he said to F/n, looking down on them arrogantly.

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