Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Allen Ley

September 21st, 2010

Ikarus could hear the metal crushing around him, compacting in on itself and sealing him inside its tomb like space. He could hear screaming and wondered vaguely if it was him. The sound was primal and held no words, but Ikarus could hear the pain in that sound, rather than feel it. There was a wetness covering his face and he knew it was blood, his blood, flowing from jagged cuts caused by glass and debris that had lodged itself in his skin.

“Please don’t let me die.” His words were spoken with a thick tongue, as if it were too big for his mouth. “I’m not ready to die, please…”

There was the sound of horns, of more metal clashing. Light began to fill the inner cab of his car, making shadows dance along the interior. Someone took his head in their hands and bestowed a kiss on his forehead. Ikarus couldn’t see the person who held him, there was too much blood in his eyes.

“It’s okay Ikarus.” The voice was a woman’s, or a girl’s. It was hard to tell but the hands holding him were small. “It’s going to be okay. I will stay with you until someone comes for you. You’re going to be alright.”

“Who are you?” Even getting these words out was difficult. Darkness and shadow were trying to claim him, trying to pull him under.

“Never mind that now. Do you know what happened?”

“No.” Ikarus thought for a moment, could hear the blare of a horn, his own, as a car rammed into him on the driver’s side, could hear the squeal of tires as his car was pushed into a lamp post, the crush of metal, the tinkling of glass. “Someone hit me.”

“Yes, Ikarus, that’s right. They were drunk at the wheel. This wasn’t your fault, but it had to happen so that you could prepare yourself for what is coming.”

“I don’t understand.” The words were painful, like needles in his throat, as he tried to get them out. “Who are you?”

“There will be time for that later. I have a gift for you. You’ve been chosen, Ikarus. Chosen for something wonderful. Do you like gifts?”

“I can’t see you. There’s too much light.”

“Yes, that happens when I’m here. I’m too bright for the moral world, I’m afraid. I have my gift to give you and then I must go so that you can heal.”

“Please.” Ikarus heard someone sobbing and knew that it was him. “Please don’t leave me.”

“I will never leave you. With my gift, I will be able to stay with you always. Would you like that?”

“Yes. Please…”

There was the sound of movement and then there was a rush of light along his skin. It was the only way he could describe it, as if his whole body were filling with brightness. There was a flash of pain along his shoulder blades, however, that burned for a moment before settling into a dull throb of pain.


“Only for a moment, Ikarus. I’ve given you wings. They will keep you safe. It will be over in a moment.”

Even as the stranger said these words, the flare of pain across his back eased and then subsided, leaving behind only a dull throb. “What was that?”

“It was my mark. That way all those that will be like you will recognize you when they see it. They will keep you safe. You must sleep now, Ikarus. I have to go but I won’t be far. Okay?”

“Don’t go.”

“You’ll see me soon. There will be a time of darkness but when the dawning comes, you will awaken. For now, you must heal.”

Within that blackness, there were voices. Ikarus tried to focus on them, tried to hold them close to him for comfort, but he only caught snippets of conversation, bits and pieces that made no sense to him.

“…lucky to be alive…”

“…don’t understand why he isn’t dead…”

“…ever seen a tattoo like this? Why would he get angel wings…”

“…shutting down. He may end up in a coma if we can’t…”

            “…trauma. There’s no damage to his body but he’s covered in blood…”

            “…don’t understand. How is that possible? He should be…”

            “…don’t understand how he could have survived that…”

            “…cleaned the blood away. There’s not a scratch on him…”

            “…impossible for someone to survive without a mark…”

            Ikarus tried to make sense of what the voices were saying, attempted to put the words in order, but he couldn’t. All he could do was succumb to the darkness, let the shadows claim him, holding on to the brightness of the light that had filled his car.

“Don’t go.” He said again, but she was already gone. Already the light began to fade and Ikarus let the blackness claim him.

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