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Song: Hypochondriac - Fenne Lily

Are you a ftr?



Her sharp eyes scanned the room for a target, she could not allow herself to let guilt fester in the depth of her stomach as her eyes settled on a blonde haired man. Desperate times called for desperate measures and for her, every moment of her life was a desperate, scraping to survive.

There was no room for morals.

Her gaze hardened when she had decided that the blonde haired man would be her target. He wore a well tailored suit, casually sipping his third glass of whiskey for the night. She watched as he scanned the room in the same fashion as hers, not daring to flinch when their eyes met from across the room.

She sent a teasing wink in his direction before turning back to the bar. She never chased a man, she would always make them come after her.

Her mothers words rang through her head as she waited, no matter how many times she did this, her nerves always sprouted, "Your strength sprouts from your name, pulses through your blood and hibernates within your bones, it is one of the few things nobody can steal from you, so hold it tight, Aysal, and never let it go."

The mantra she held close to her heart repeated in her mind like a broken record as she patiently sat at the bar, tracing the rim of her cosmo with her middle finger.

She was only biding her time, anyways.

Soon enough, a voice interrupted her mothers mantra, "Is this seat taken?" He asked, gesturing to the stool next to hers.

She raised her eyebrows the slightest bit before letting a small smile slip past her lips.

"For you, it's unoccupied."

He flashed her a smile as he made himself comfortable beside her, flagging down the bartender and ordering himself yet another whiskey.

"I have to say," he spoke, showing off his sparkling white teeth, "you are the most exotic beauty sitting in this room."

Aysal forced her lips to curve upwards instead of morphing into a scowl. Men always thought that this was a grand compliment for a woman to be given, but in reality only repulsed her, making her feel more like an animal at a zoo instead of a breathing woman.

Instead of the string of expletives she wanted to let out she instead replaced them with a breathy laugh.

"Charming," she said, letting her voice grow deeper and more sensual, luring him in to the best of her abilities.

He smirked, nodding his head slightly in thanks at the bartender as he handed his drink to him before turning his full attention back to the seductive woman in front of him.

"Gosh this heat is unbearable." Someone complained loudly behind her, causing Aysal to quickly watch as a server rushed to switch on the air conditioning. 

The heat in Oregon this year had hit an all time high. 

Aysal felt the slight breeze of the conditioner prickle her back but she knew better than to relish in the cool feeling, the conditioner would only make her scent travel. She tensed as she cooly eyed the room a second time, wondering if she had masked her scent well enough this morning or if her sweat had overpowered it.

She breathed a silent sigh of relief as nobody else in the club reacted. With any luck, she would be the only Were here.

A hand grasping her wrist broke her out of her short-lived relief, forcing her to look back at the blonde man in front of her, his eyes now with a newly-found glazed over look.

"She-wolf," he ground out, his voice becoming impossibly low and gravelly.

Aysal froze like a deer in headlights, he knew.            

She knew better than to play dumb and before he could even begin restrict her further, Aysal shoved herself from his grip and fled from the scene like it was second nature.

She slipped into the cover of night, knowing full well that she had to start running as soon as possible, leaving a trail of her scent in all directions so that he couldn't follow her and, most importantly, not lead him to the others.

She heard his heavy footsteps as he left the tightly packed club but she was already sprinting down an alleyway and doing her best in scaling a wall. Aysal zig zagged through different backstreets, jumped over fences and left a trail that was nonsensical to follow, hoping with all her heart that it would disorient the male.

Her mind briefly strayed to the other she-wolves that would be waiting on her, knowing that if she didn't return, they wouldn't look for her for their own safety.

Her train of thought was thankfully cut off when she quickly opened a loose manhole and hooked her feet into the riggs that led to the dark abyss of the sewers, the only thing that stunk enough to mask her scent. She only just closed the cover of the manhole before the pitter patter of multiple heavy feet trampled above her.

She wasted no time in lowering herself onto the floor, climbing down the riggs with practiced ease.

When she reached the bottom, she sat on the grimy floor and brought her knees up to her chin, curling upwards and into herself as if she were once again in the womb. She watched, her eyes once again calculated as rats scuttled past her feet into the darkness of the sewer but she could not bring herself to be disgusted by their being, she was in their kingdom, not hers.

Her mind travelled back to the man who had tried his best to charm her, she had not seen his face as the air conditioner was switched on, and had not been able to see the amount of desperation he and his pack by extension would have for a she-wolf.

She shuddered at the thought.

His glazed over eyes nodded to the fact that he had mind-linked with other members of his pack, probably now all on the run to track her down and make her submit to their Alpha.

There was only one pack in Oregon, led by an Alpha who had rumours swirling left and right about him, and never ones that put him in a good light, and definitely not ones that would attract rouge she-wolves.

Aysal's adrenaline finally started to taper off as her limbs grew heavier alongside her eyelids but she did not bring herself to sleep, she needed to stay awake for the night, alert for threats to her freedom.

And so she sat, her head tilted back on the grimy walls, watching rats as they worked their way around her, not at all bothered by her presence, her mothers words ringing through her head once again.

    "Your strength sprouts from your name, pulses through your blood and hibernates within your bones..."


This is my new novel, I understand my others aren't finished yet but oh well fight me.

If you want to listen to the playlist I will be making for this book follow my playlist called 'Worship' by Anna Joicey. The playlists for my other novels are featured on that account too.

Do you have any recs for songs? Comment!

1227 words

Okay, bye

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