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word count: 2130

chapter song | Same Ol' Mistakes - Rihanna

Laying on my side I feel a tear gently glide across my nose, tickling my face until it slowly falls to my bare unsheeted mattress.

My gaze travels to the wet spot left from the tear drop, I sniffle and wipe my eyes with the white sheet covering my legs.

I stare at the sheet, then back at the tattered and stained twin sized bed.

A sigh escapes my lips as I stand and move to switch the lights on.

My feet slip into my bunny slippers, the cold hardwood was beginning to get uncomfortable.

The shoes are just a bit small, most of my foot fits inside with just my heel sticking out the back.

Both bunnies ears on the shoes are missing so they look more like beaver slippers really.

I've been wearing them since they were given to me on my seventh birthday, my toes are warm so they're still good to use in my opinion.

Picking up the fitted sheet I sometimes substitute as a blanket, I put it on the bed; struggling with the corners of course.

Then I pat the wrinkles out and smile at my accomplishment.

"It's the small victories." I say quietly to no one.

I grab my laptop from the chair I use as a nightstand and look at the time.


"Shit," I groan quietly.

Madame Lockwood wakes up for work in 30 minutes, I need to get everything ready for her morning routine or she'll have my head.

Madame Lockwood is the guardian of the foster home I live in.

She's a nice woman as long as you don't get in her way, do what she asks, never break curfew, try not to look at her for too long, don't laugh when she's around, or show any signs of joy.....

Ok so maybe she isn't so nice, but she provides a place for me to rest my head and puts food in my belly so I'm not complaining.

I exit out of the episode of Naruto that had me in tears earlier, number 364, the episode Neji dies.

I'm not the most emotionally vulnerable person, very few things get me to cry or can actually warm that cold stone in my chest I call a heart.

I don't know when I became so numb to everything, what I do know is that anyone who watches Neji's death scene without shedding a tear, chances are they're probably a psychopath.

Closing the school provided laptop I leave my room and silently make my way to the staircase.

Taking the first step I leisurely press my foot down on the old wooden stair praying it doesn't creak.

The last thing I want right now is to wake the Madame, she is not a fan of being woken up.

It doesn't help that she has crazy good hearing, one time I sneezed in the middle of the night and seconds later she was at my throat.

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