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The world spins around me, robbing me of my orientation. I have no idea what's up and what down, what's left and what is right.
Well, that's until I get shoved face first into sand. Ignoring the burning pain on my face I push myself up and spit out the sand then wipe as much as possible of my face using my sleeve.

My first thought is getting my brother and run away, and he seems to think so too till we both get pulled back.

"Slow down, there's nowhere you can go anyway."

"Our family will come to get us, they've been to the enchanted forest before and they will get here again." Henry states.

"But this isn't the enchanted forest Henry, this is Neverland.

"What business would you have in Neverland?" I mean- neither of us has anything to do with Neverland right? So what could they possibly wanna do in Neverland?

"It's the mother load of magic, and the home office is here." Now questions are tumbling through my head. The home what? And since when is Neverland the mother load of magic? How does that make any sense?

"And did the home office also tell you how to get back from here?" Henry questions.

"We believe in our cause." Is all Greg answers.

"Greg, I can't turn this thing on." Tamara hands the communicator to Greg.

"Hmm, maybe its the battery." But as soon as he opens it, sand falls out.

"Well, it's a good thing you guys don't ask any questions." If I would've drank something, I would've spat it out at the glare Greg gave my brother.

"Whatever, let's tie their hands and find the home office, they will also know what to do with her." Tamara says while grabbing my wrists. I try to snatch them back but all my efforts where in vain and my hands were bound together in no-time. I look at Henry to see Greg has tied his hands too.

"Now make it easy for yourselves and just walk with us."

A few moments later we were in the woods. Greg is trying to make a fire to send a signal to the home office, whatever that is.
Suddenly I hear breaking of twigs. A bunch of teenage guys wearing dark green capes, and most concerning— a lot of weapons, starts surrounding us, and they don't look too nice.

"Who are you?" Tamara asks.

"We're the home office, welcome to Neverland." A tall guy with a chiselled face and a big scar on his face says, he holds a bat with a spiked bowl on the ending over his shoulder. Maybe it's only me but his aura screams danger.

"The home office is a bunch of teenagers?" Tamara asks.

"They're not teenagers, they're the lost boys." Henry explains.

"Well look at that."
Felix turns his head to Henry. Then his gaze lands on me, causing me to gulp.

"Who is she?"

"We won't tell you if you don't tell us what you're planning to do with the boy and how we will get back home." Tamara steps in front of me and Henry in a protective manner.

"You're not getting home." He answers with a sinister smirk plastered on his face.I hold my breath at the tension in the air.

"Then you're not getting the boy." Greg threatens, but anyone could hear the fear in his voice.

"Of course we do."

As the guys start aiming their weapons at us I realise this is an amazing time to go.

"Run!" It seems like Tamara agrees with me. I run of as fast as I can with my hands tied, making sure I stay close to Henry. Behind me I hear screaming, but I don't dare looking back. We run like our lives depend on it—what they probably do. Until Henry falls, I try to get him up but with my hands tied that's almost impossible.

All of the sudden, a pair of hands pulls us into the shrubs. "Come on." They say. It's just in time because as soon as we are hidden, the lost boys run past. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks." The person takes the hood of their head and reveals a boy, he looks about 16 or 17, blue eyes and dirty blond hair.

"Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island. We must be careful." He tells hasty while untying our hands as fast as he can.

"Are you a lost boy?" Henry asks.

"I was, but I escaped. Now they're after me too, but no time for questions, we must keep moving. Come on." And so we keep running for what seems like forever.

"think we lost them." The boy finally says.
Thank god, I wasn't made for this. I pant like a fricking dog.

"Okay. Can we rest for a minute?" Henry pants and the boy reacts with a small nod. I sit down on a rock next to Henry.

"You're a girl."
Well no shit. I just nod since I don't have the air to say anything.

"Pan doesn't bring girls to the island."

"Well, I guess I'm just really lucky." I reply cynically. Henry tells him about how we got kidnapped, how I caught Tamara and Greg kidnapping Henry leaving them no choice but to take me with them.

"If pan sent for you, he wants you. And if Pan wants you, he will get you." In the last part, the boy looks at me with a look that sends shivers down my spine, it's the same way he looked at me. And it terrifies me.

The boy explains how Pan is after him because he stole pixie dust from him in the hope to be able to fly away and escape Neverland but it didn't work.
That's weird, wasn't pixie dust meant for flying? He tells us thar Pan can track us everywhere on the island asides from at the Echo Caves. Then we hear rustling and breaking of twigs.
Time to run again...

Shit. We've ran to a dead end, a cliff.

"They're over here." We hear from a distance.
Double shit.

"What now, is there any other way to the Echo Caves?" Henry pants.

"No, we're done for." Then I remember the pixie dust he told us about. He said it didn't work but I don't see how that's possible.

"Didn't you have pixie dust?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't work." He answers while showing a necklace with a pendant filled with Pixie dust.

"It does, you just have to believe." Henry says while ripping the necklace of and sprinkling the dust over himself. He extends his hands and I grab one without any hesitation, I trust him. The boy seems to hesitate a bit but still grabs Henry's other hand. I feel myself getting light and a green glow surround us as we fly up.

I look with wide eyes at the breathtaking view, the sea is azure blue and reflects the full moon in it's waves.
A soft "wow" escapes my lips.

Before I know it, we land again.

"See? If you believe, anything is possible."
Henry tells the boy. A bad feeling fills me when the boy smiles at this, it wasn't a nice smile, it was a sinister smile.

"You couldn't be more right Henry."

"He never told you his name was Henry." I breathe, pulling Henry close to me.

"You lied to us, you are a lost boy. You work for Pan." Henry says.

"Not exactly, I am Peter Pan." I feel the blood drain from my face and I pull Henry even closer to me.

"You see Henry, for quite some time, I've sought something extremely important. Something more elusive than the greatest of all mysteries; the heart of the truest believer. And when you took that pixie dust, Henry, and jumped off that cliff, you proved yourself. You are the lucky owner of that very special heart. And now? You, and it, are mine." He grabs a dagger and holds it in the air.

"Come on boys." I gulp when all around us lost boys start appearing, we're completely surrounded.

"Let's play."

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