The Start of Belonging

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At least Zeus had the courtesy to magically transport them back to Camp Half Blood. Everyone was absolutely exhausted, sore from battle, the adrenaline from combat wearing off. There was nothing masking the intense ache in Nico's shoulder.

When he was fighting, a large, bulky demigod on Kronos's side had gotten through his skeletal defense, and shoved him hard to the floor. He was able to get back on his feet when undead warriors had dragged him down, but fuck, if a massive bruise hadn't already formed there, he'd say it was a miracle.

Still, the victory was fresh in everyone's minds, it was like the camp exhaled for the first time in years. Not that he had been around often, but there was no longer tension that unsettled the camp. And his bruised arm aside, it felt good to win.

He could also feel death, some people would have to step up as counselors. He saw the shrouds made quickly by their siblings. It made him think back to Bianca, he wished them all closure and healing.

He made a note to summon her later, letting her know of his victory. He knew she'd smile at the news, that her faded figure would glow with pride.

In the moment, her death had seemed in vain, just the Fates getting at him and deciding to take his most loved one. But her death had led up to this moment, where the world could remain safe from Kronos's cruelty. His sister hadn't gotten recognition like Zoe did, and it angered him, but he would always keep in his heart that Bianca was his hero who helped save the world. A small smile appeared on his face as he removed his armor and put it away in the racks.

Talking about heroes, a lot of people were looking for Percy. He wanted to pretend like he didn't notice Annabeth was missing too, but he'd seen her run earlier to tend to Chiron, so maybe they weren't in the same place. He hadn't seen exactly where Percy ran off to, Nico was still too in shock at his dad embracing him for the first time when they appeared at camp.

But chances were, he was either at his cabin or at the lake. He'd go check the lake first, it was closer. Nico didn't know why he was looking around for him – well, not that there was a moment where he didn't want to catch a glimpse of his warm smile but he guessed, he wanted to check in on him. He didn't personally know Luke, but Percy did, or at least before he revealed his true intentions. Nico wanted to make sure he was feeling alright.

A few campers – maybe three – came up to him and asked where he was headed. He simply pointed off in the direction of the lake and they nodded, a little confused. They would leave with an ending remark, saying how cool he was to bring three gods to their aid or how useful the skeletal warriors he helped summon were in battle. He shrugged them off, but he would bite the inside of the corner of his mouth to hide his grin. Besides, he was sure he blushed at the compliments, so much for nonchalant.

He had the urge to stretch when he neared the lake, his feet now stepping into the shore and picking up sand. He tried raising his arms above his head, but he winced when he raised his left shoulder.

He turned to take a look as best he could and saw a nasty purple-red bruise on his skin. He tried to lightly massage it, but it hurt to even poke at it.

If only Greek armor protected that area. He decided some ice will have to do later.

That reminded him, Percy's Achilles heel! He'd be lying if said he wasn't curious about his mortal spot.

Nico saw Percy as undoubtedly human. His compassion was not a trait Nico associated with the gods. He knew it came from the kindness Ms. Jackson raised him with. Yet with the ichor that flowed through his veins, Percy radiated power. He'd seen him in battle, an unstoppable force with his curse of Achilles but even before, his sword fighting was unmatched.

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