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Elena didn't stick around much after that, what happened to Piper was amazing, sure she had just the most amazing glow up that Elena could only dream about but when you get an epic prophecy reciting how you'd die, makeup would be the last thing on...

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Elena didn't stick around much after that, what happened to Piper was amazing, sure she had just the most amazing glow up that Elena could only dream about but when you get an epic prophecy reciting how you'd die, makeup would be the last thing on your mind.

Annabeth tried to talk to her but the moment she tried, a loud wailing sound erupted from the baby monitor. Gods that baby is amazing. Her brother had saved her a world of hurt so she excused herself and went to check up on him. He needed his diaper changed and it was time for his pre nighttime bottle.

He fell asleep again as she stared at him. How long until they built them a cabin each and they went their separate ways, him in one cabin and her in another. She shook her head, No, he won't do that, if he's anything like Mom, he'll want to be my brother.

Elena packed a bag as she went to prepare for a midnight stroll. She knew exactly where the dragon was, she'd visited him often enough. Admittedly, the dragon was never named so she'd taken to calling him Happy. She didn't understand machines as well as the Hephaestus Cabin but she spent time around the forges often enough to get a grasp of their squeaks and creaks. 

She saw him in the clearing. Happy was large and bronze. She's not the best at describing but she could say that much, he bent his rusty head forward nudging her hand waiting for a pat. She rested her head on his as he nuzzled her playfully.

Her moment of total peace was disturbed when something rustling in the bushes alerted her that she wasn't alone. Her hand went to her new weapon. Let's see how well they do against a scythe. What appeared in her hand instead was a stygian sword not a scythe. Great, I have a changeable weapon like Jason's. Apology still not accepted FAtHeR.

"You don't have wings," The voice said.

The dragon's snarl died. It tilted its head as if to say, Why aren't you running away in terror?

She took a closer look and discovered the voice was Leo. Gods this boy is an idiot. Who goes into the forest in the middle of the night. Oh wait... I do. He probably hadn't seen her yet.

"Hey, no offense," Leo said. "You're amazing! Good god, who made you? Are you hydraulic or nuclear-powered or what? But if it was me, I would've put wings on you. What kind of dragon doesn't have wings? I guess maybe you're too heavy to fly? I should've thought of that."

Happy snorted, more confused now. It was supposed to trample Leo. This conversation thing wasn't part of the plan. It took a step forward, and Leo shouted, "No!"

He snarled again.

"It's a trap, bronze brain," Leo said. "They're trying to catch you."

Happy opened its mouth and blew fire. A column of white-hot flames billowed over Leo, Elena shouted in shock to see the fire. When the flames died, he was perfectly fine. Even his clothes were okay, which Elena didn't understand, but for which she was grateful. Seeing no him half naked would have been pretty embarrassing. Realising that he hadn't seen her, she climbed up a nearby tree to watch them fight. I'll step in if it gets bad.

𝙼𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚒𝚊 (𝙇𝙚𝙤 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙯 𝙓 𝙊𝙘)Where stories live. Discover now