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author's note: hi, tree or dad here. yeah,,,,,,, dead fandoms. fun right? also, gay as heck. 2017 msm aint fooling no one with those mfing cuffed jeans and knock-off vans. and harry-- anyways i kind of hate this already so. any suggestions or grammar fixings will be much appreciated and probably used (ill give you credit ;]) so enjoy and i might make a sabigiyuu i dont fjcking know have a good fukcing december. also i post rarely so 

Wind whistled through his slicked back dark hair, and a shiver traveled down his arms, despite the blue sweater he was wearing. A crippling sense of vertigo rushed through him as he looked down from the top of the building. He almost puked. 

Harry Osborn was about the last person you'd expect to see on the rooftops of skyscrapers in New York (ok, well... maybe once or twice), yet here he was. The sky was a nice blue, and seldom were clouds. The air was fresher, colder. Traffic was drowned out by whistling and howling winds. Maybe if it wasn't so high he might've been able enjoy it. 

"Uh, Pete?" Harry said nervously, still glancing over the edge. "I don't think this is a good idea."

Harry turned and looked at the boy next to him, dressed in red and blue from head to toe. 

The guy just laughed, as Peter Parker/Spider-Man does. He pulled off his wide eyed mask to reveal a pair of bright, playful green ones underneath (much smaller too). His soft brown hair was messy, as usual. Harry resisted the urge to reach out and touch it. 

"C'mon, Harry," he said. "it'll be fun. After all, I do this basically everyday."

Harry backed away from the edge, saying, "Well, if I had my gear, it'd be different." 

"But then you'd be too heavy," Peter said, making the same frowning face as Harry, though Pete's was a little over-dramatic. 

Harry let out a laugh and smiled. It was hard to say no to Peter, especially since he refused to give up and lose an argument. 

"Ok," Pete said excitedly, pulling on his mask once more. He walked briskly over to Harry and wrapped an arm  around his waist, making Harry a little pink and slow to put his two arms around Peter's neck.

"Hang on!" Harry was pretty sure Peter (now Spider-Man) was grinning at Harry under his mask. 

And suddenly, without warning, Spider-Man jumped from the roof, and plummeted down toward traffic. Harry's only words were "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" as a roller coaster feeling entered his bloodstream and he felt like puking again, only this time because of how fast they were dropping. Right before they hit the cracked and worn black pavement down below, Spider-Man caught them with a web and they flew upwards, guided by a overdraft of howling wind that came rushing up from the bustling intersection below them. 

Spider-Man was positively estatic, and Harry didn't even need to see his face to know that. Pete had always been a daredevil, no matter how geeky or sports-illiteriate he was. At least, Harry suspected. He kind of felt like Peter had been hiding stuff lately. Like, a whole other side of himself.

"HARRY!" Spidey screamed over the furious New Yorkers below them and the wind screeching at their backs. "ARE YOU OK!" 

"UH-" Harry looked below him at the yellow blurs of taxis and dark pavement. "Y-YEAH?" His face was numb and he was sure his hair looked like a rat's nest. His face pinked a little. His dad had died like three times, he had been injured countlessly, and he had faced villians that had literally torn New Jersey apart, New Jersey, and he was afraid of heights...? 

Wow, he thought to himself. Am I that pathetic? 

Does Pete think I'm that pathetic? 

"HARRY?" The nothing-less-than-elated Spider-Man looked at Harry, a furrow forming in his mask in between what would be his eyebrows. The almost goofy looking eyes on his mask had narrowed. 

"I'M OK, PET-- SPIDER-MAN," Harry bellowed back. Peter obviously didn't believe him though.  They swooped upwards sickeningly as Spider-Man shot a fresh string of web from his wrist to a building above. With a rush of adrenanline, and his heart still pounding, Harry was set safely on the  roof. 

"Thank God," he murmured. Peter rushed towards him, his mask dangling in his hand. 

"Harry, I'm really freaking sorry. Are you ok? Hurt? Traumatized?" a grin was lighting up Peter's face but the concern still showed in his voice. 

"Y-yeah," Harry said a little nauseously, a hand on his knee for balance. His head was spinning pretty badly. "I'm fine. No broken bones. Just haven't been out of the office much, and I guess that it can--"

"Harry," Peter said more urgently. His hands were on Harry's shoulders and his very sparkly green eyes were gazing deeply into Harry's own. "Are you sure you're ok?" The grin had vanished, leaving what looked like... a red color?

Was Peter blushing? At Harry? 

Harry's own cheeks rose steadily in temperature. 

"Uh, er, well, see-" 

Peter smiled, still blushing. 

"It's... uh, kind of... cute. UH-- when you smile. Not you, like, almost throwing up." He was really  red now. Harry suddenly felt very warm as he realized that Peter's hands were still on his shoulders and their faces were still very close together. 

"H-hey, Harry?" Peter asked. "I, um... think I like-" 

Harry woke up. 

His face was beet red and he was sweating a little. 

ANOTHER PETER DREAM REALLY OMFGGHJGFDDJFKGHLDRH.  He sighed, still blushing like a beet, and reached across his bed to pick up his cell phone. 

11:23 a.m.

"Hmm," he thought. He yawned and climbed out of bed, shaking off the "Peter Fever" (i'll stop).

"Holy crap, why the heck are there so many missed calls..." He scrolled through the missed notifs section on his phone. 


He scrambled around furiously for clean clothes, than ran out the freaking door faster than freaking Iron Man could fly. 

another authors note wow: hi, soooooo...... yeah. i'll try and update as much as i can lol. this will probably be a while, so go find something better to read!!!!!

-neondad, or tree, idgaf.

um, so, this is awkward ★ [parksborn]Where stories live. Discover now