O • N • E

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Aubrielle Bardot. A name everyone could recognise, a commonly used name throughout the entire area. Everyone at school knew her. Everyone in town knew her. However, the only person who didn't know her was herself.

"A-are you tearing up?" Asks Julie, Aubrielle's younger sister, while she subconsciously claps for the newly-wed couple.

"Of course! Who doesn't start cr- you're emotionless," she sniffs, starting to drag her own attention away from Julie, and back to the two.

"As far as I'm concerned, you weren't very accepting of this whole thing," she reasons, gesturing to the whole ceremony and people around them.

Aubrielle took one of Julie's hands and wiped some of her tears with her other, "our father's happy! Happy! Personally, I think that's worth some tears, and we can definitely forget about my disapproval, that's totally thrown out the window," she chuckles, jokingly wiping her wet hand on Julie's dress, earning a change of mood.

Julie lifts the wet area of fabric slightly, forcefully letting go of her sister's hand. She gasps, looking at her sister in disbelief, "That's disgusting!" She quickly looks around for something to retaliate with, and her eyes locks onto a half-empty champagne glass of water.

"No," she orders while pointing a finger at her, "no! Nononononononoooo!" She repeats while first walking backwards slowly, and then picking up the pace, finally turning around and running away from merciless Julie.

"Come back here!" Julie giggles while chasing after her.

The two look like little kids as they are sprinting around the venue, constantly almost knocking into things, but clumsily dodging them. They enter the tent where lunch was being held, and servants were holding metal trays filled with little bite-sized foods that were meant to fill you, and two tables, one filled with an assortment of beverages, and another filled with desserts. The fancy rainbow of desserts on the table ranged from little pots of mousse and cheesecake, to mini chocolate bites and brownies, to cakesicles and visual desserts.

And there stood, tall and proud, the wedding cake, coated in a white layer of icing, embellished with flowers and pearls, and surrounded with little cupcakes, making it even more grand and fancy. The cupcakes had frosting swirled on top, and a little sprinkle of glitter with a couple of pearls placed randomly, matching the wedding cake.

Aubrielle rushes around the tent, close to tripping, but luckily keeps her balance without Julie catching up. She darts towards the dessert table, and then takes a turn towards the huge cake with not enough time to think about where she was going. She turns her head round to check the distance between her and her sister, taking this whole thing way too seriously, "wow, you're slow! I'm gonna be 50 by the time you- AHHHHH!" Icing was all in her hair, and spread all over her dress, while the cake was all on the floor, mushed by her petit figure. Servants rushed to put down their trays and towards the monstrosity of a mess, two servants holding each arm and hauling Aubrielle up, her dress unsticking from the filthy floor. 

Once she was able to come back to her senses, she looks at the scene around her, expressionless as she takes it all in. There was wedding cake in her shoe, her sister looked awfully shocked as she was standing unrealistically still, there were servants surrounding her staring, and the room was flooding with guests and gasps. All that took over her thoughts was that she wanted to kill her sister, but that only lead to her realising it was kind of her own fault. Now the last sight she wanted to see: her father.

"Let me just process this one sec-" her father stutters, "you, you and your sister... were chasing each other? You're not serious, I mean evidence shows something ridiculous happened, but thi- How can you do this? Such an immature thing. On my wedding day?" 

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