Chapter One: Where it all starts~

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(A/N): So to all you people that haven't read any or many fanfics and are unsure of afew things authors put in to either save time or yeah save time. so the abreviations:

(Y/N)= Your name

(E/C)= Eye color

(F/C)= Favorite color

(H/L)= Hair length

(H/C)= Hair color

P.s launguage warning i will try not to swear much

Chapter One:

ugh! I have had it with always being lost around here, oh well my fault for moving to mongolia. (Y/N) said with a bit of frustration in her voice. She looks to the sky only to see that it was starting to rain you loved the rain and hail. rain is cold and hail was ice, you hated heat and the sun the fire, anything heat realated honestly. (sorry natsu >.< ) A rain drop hits (Y/N)'s nose "achu!" (Y/N) snezzed adorably. " I didn't think ice mages were mean't to be affected by the cold...." (Y/N) stumbles across a door, she got a gut feeling say that here was the place to ask if she may wait inside while the rain passes. At the time (Y/N) dosen't realise that it was Fairy Tail because she was quite clueless on the mongolian guilds she never read any magazines on guilds or wizards within guilds. (Y/N) carefully creeped up to the door and knocked on the door softly. the door swiftly opened. Before she could see her surroundings a chair was flying in her direction. (Y/N) had extrodanary instincts and stepped out the way fuming that thats the way some one dicides to open the door and welcome someone " uhhh err sorry miss" a pink haired boy said looking roughly her age with a small blue cat trailing behind "SORRY? SORRY!? yep sure like sorry helps sorry is only an excuse. An excuse someone uses to escape a punishment!" (Y/N) said fouly and then she was so annoyed she had ice glowing a beautiful shade of (F/C) "Hello i am Mirajane may i ask you whats your name?" Mira asked kindly knowing that you were ice mage from the ice illumanting from your hand. "ummm sorry. My name is ?(Y/N)." "Are you here because your interested in joining our guild? We always want new faces around here." "... Guild the idea of joining a guild never occured to me where i am from the guilds are very picky they don't like new faces much and i just concluded that it's the same everywhere else... If it woulden't be any hassel then i may aswell take you up on your offer." (Y/N) says a bit nervous. "come this way then!" mira says cheerfuly. "okay" (y/n) says and follows mira, being very observant of her surroundings. "where would you like you like your guild mark? Oh! and what color?" Mira say enthusiasticly. "(f/b/p) (faveorite body part) and (f/c) please" (y/n) says sheepishly. "WELCOME TO FAIRY TAIL!"

(A/n) sooo~ what did you think of chapter one? i would continue but its 9:30 and i am tired and when your tired you brain goes "capof!"  so night night~

Bye Amber xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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