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"You fucking jinxed it, Sam." You whispered into the comms, only hearing a small exhale in return. He did jinx it. Otherwise you wouldn't be standing in a crowd looking for Karli's men. 

Karli decided that despite the promise she made you,  she wasn't going to stop the attempt to eliminate the vote. In a way, you understood her, but there were so many other ways this could of played out. 

"Sargent Barnes." A guard nodded and let Bucky through the wall of his colleagues. "(Y/N) Barnes." He then turned to you, nodding as well. You returned the gesture and followed your brother through the crowd of people. You felt more comfortable around him, even though you now had the serum running through your veins. 

"Karli and the rest of them will move into the building soon. Be ready." Sam warned, flying above you as discreetly as he possibly could.  You and Bucky shared a look like you usually did. But this time there was a tint of worry in his eyes, which worried you. It wasn't often you saw Bucky unsure of something, and now wasn't a time to be either.

Both of you started walking around the perimeter of the building, always making sure there was an entrance to the building if you were needed. Somehow, you met Sharon half way and she joined yours and Bucky's plan. 

"How's it on your end?" Sam asked calmly. 

"Nothing. All quite." Bucky replied, trying to put his brave face on. 

"No one's moving toward the building." 

It was a sort of realisation that you'd see in 21st century movies Bucky forced you to watch a couple weeks ago. Sam clearly had the same idea. "Karli's not coming in. She's forcing everybody out."

All 3 of you could hear Sam grunting, knowing he's already got company. You, Bucky and Sharon walked into the building through the metal detectors, and when Sharon walked through it, it started beeping but you weren't paying attention. You just wanted to find Karli and try your best to stop her. As much as you didn't want to think about it, the chances of her listening to you were low. 

"I'll alert evac." Bucky announced, looking at you with a raised eyebrow as if to question what your plan was. 

"So will I but I'll take the West stairs so we have them on both sides." 

Everyone nodded, and got to their positions. Obviously, East and West were on two opposite parts of the building so you had to be fast, even with Bucky getting there first. 

Or so you thought. 

By the time you got into the evac station in the carpark of the building, the cars were already driving off with important government officials. Looking around, you couldn't see a sign of Bucky. Only a mildly irritated Sharon which you heard in the comms a second later. 

"You had one job, Barnes." 

You didn't have time to think quick, so you ran towards the motorcycle stand and sped of with one, Bucky following suit. 

"Sharon, you know that there's people escaping via helicopter?" You asked, looking up and you drove outside into the cold air. 


"Well now you do." 

Bucky sighed. "It's too late to do anything now, Sam will take care of it. Just get to the trucks (Y/N)." 

You followed your brother down narrow roads and through barriers. It was actually going smoothly for once, up until you saw one of the trucks in literal flames. You were behind time, a lot. So you needed this to work. 

"Sharon what were the locks made of. The ones they put on the cars." You asked, jumping of your motorcycle right before the concrete barrier. Bucky had other plans and decided to drive straight at it and jump before he hit it. Obviously that didn't work so he just ended up crashing into a flags masher on the other side. 

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